
Thursday, June 14, 2012

D" is for Disney Princesses!

Ok, I was dabbling on blogger and forgot to post my "D" for Alphabe Thursday. So I decided to see what Jenny was up to! Oh My Goodness, that dame is dynamic! She is very talented and artistic and anyone free handing beautiful signs can be my hero for sure! Get over there and see what she is doing.

So here I am sharing another talented dame, my niece Holly. She refused to pay twenty dollars for Rapunzel hair at the Disney for her  daughter Sarah. Instead, the two of them went home and got into their craft box and voila! Super cool and darn cute! Holly used some leftover silk flowers and yarn to create her own version of the "Tangled" stars hair!  I declare that niece of mine, that beautiful December baby, is so creative! Holly and I share December birthdays as well as our first born December daughters too!

I originally was going to do a Disney Princess post and declare my personal opinion on little girls and their love of Disney princesses. Now some of you may not agree with me, but I think these darling dames are good role models for your kids. Look at Belle from the Beauty and the Beast. She fell in love with a beast who had a library filed with books.  Ariel from the Little Mermaid had to face adversity and Ursula the sea witch/sorceress! Mulan fought in war for the love of her country. Sleeping Beauty had to put up with a houseful of annoying little men!  Pocahontas was based on the real life of an Indian maiden and Captain John Smith, an adventurer from the 1600's. Cinderella was treated unkindly by her stepmother and stepsisters and she won the prince! Do I believe that fairy tales always come true? Of course not, but I think these Disney dames certainly don't harm girls!

Let me share a final thought before I head over to check out more AT posts! I work for an ENT doctor and we have dumdum pops and stickers for the kids! One lady insisted on ordering a large quantity of "Dora" stickers. In case you don't know, she is a cartoon character who speaks Spanish! My co worker thought because we see a large population of Spanish speaking patients the children would like those! Every single little Hispanic girl cries for the "Disney Princess" stickers and the other kids like Dora! I thought that was note worthy!

Now do a double take here and than declare yourself a member of the Alphabe Thursday gang and go visit some daring, darling, divine, delicious  and even diabolic "D" posts!


  1. fabulous post ... i do believe in fairy tales ...

  2. Lots of Ds here for sure! I think every little girl (and most big girls too!) have a bit of princess in them, and I guess Disney somehow validates that. Love the Rapunzel hair--very cute!

  3. Darling pictures:) Have a blessed DAY, HUGS!

  4. great post! took me back in time when my daughter was always dressing up as a princess!

  5. I like Disney, I like the princesses, and I adore your post! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hi again!

    Fabulous Alphabe-Thursday post! I now believe in fairy tales!

    Have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you again soon!

  7. Holly is such a DEAR!
    I enjoyed your fun post!!

  8. Hello.
    OK, everyone's a princess here, well I'm a darling prince poet (LOL). Your post was fun. Thanks for sharing. Hope you're doing ok healthwise.

    Your Divine Secrets

  9. What a darling disney princess! I love her beautiful eyes!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    ...running late, but happy to be here!

  10. This was such a delightful post, Miss Anne!

    Our youngest Grandlittle is still besotted with the Princesses, too.

    We are going to brave going to Brave next week! I'm quite excited to see it!

    Thanks for linking!

    I always love seeing your beautiful family and thoughts!

    Hugs and A+

  11. Your little princess is much more lovely than anything Disney ever did... :)
