
Friday, July 20, 2012

"I" am....

Had I put up my post Wednesday I would have made a happy post! I was going to highlight the letter "I" and tell you how I love people! I love living. I love being around my loved ones. I love my blog world pals. I love being here.

Wednesday I was a few short miles from where the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado happened last night. I was having my toe nail surgery Wednesday afternoon. I was unhappy, miserable and grumpy afterwards. The numbing drugs and shots I had were wearing off and I could barely cope. We nearly drove past the apartment building where this gunman lived. I refuse to mention him or his name. I want to share some of the victims who lost their lives in a senseless tragedy. I want to honor those who are still fighting for their lives. Those that are injured and recovering. Those that simply survived. The police and medical personnel. Anyone and everyone who jumped into the middle of a heinous crime to do whatever they could to comfort those in the midst of chaos.

I truly love people. I have that silly Anne Frank notion that there is "good" in many folks. I am unsure if "all" are good but for the most part when a tragedy occurs lots of good from the communities surrounding it happens. This is such an incomprehensible act of violence.

I saw an interview with a couple in their early 20s. He is from North Carolina, she is from Colorado. They were at the premier of the "Batman" movie at midnight  Thursday. During the chaos of escaping he lost sight of her and went back into the theater! That is love, that gentleman is a keeper. It is amazing what people do during chaos. When tragedy struck  they fought back!

Alex Sullivan turned 27 years old today. He did not make it out of the theater. His family said he was fun loving and always smiling.  They ask that everyone respect their privacy during this difficult time.

Jessica Ghawi  24 wanted to be a sports writer. She came to Denver to hone her skills. Last month in Toronto, Canada she narrowly escaped a shooting in a mall food court.  At the movie premier Thursday night Jessica was one of the victims who did not survive. She had written on her blog , regarding the Ontario shooting that she realized how fragile life was. Please remember her family during this unsettling time.

Lots of compelling stories are coming out. It is difficult to step away from the television. My hat is off to the no frills, tell it like it is Chief of Police Dan Oates. He is handling this investigation differently then other law enforcement handled the  Columbine tragedy thirteen years ago. His officers were on the scene in response to the first 9-11 call in less then 90 seconds! Regular patrol cops, no riot gear, no protection from the gunman! They forged their way into that movie complex and simply did what they had to do!

 Prayers are being said for these victims and their families and all those involved in this horrible act of violence. Twelve lives cut short. Twelve families hurting. Eighty injured. Pray, than pray harder.

Alphabe Thursday

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world.." John 26:33 

My middle daughter would like the newspaper articles from different cities regarding the tragedy in Colorado. Please contact me if you can help by sending them her way. God Bless You!


  1. I am praying for all of the victims and their families! My Daughter and Granddaughter were visiting Denver, at a theater at midnight, just NOT that one! Thankful...

    Have a blessed day dear friend, BIG HUGS!

  2. I have been praying for the victims and their families... so sad...

  3. What a poignant share, Anne!

    Only did this morning did I hear of young Alex Sullivan. I think everyone seeing his dad's picture immediately identified with his anguish, on some level. So much heartache.

    BUT! I love your focus on the everyday heroes. Thank you!

  4. Your Scripture quote is spirit lifting, when we need it most.
    I did not know about the young man who went back IN to search for his loved one. What a hero; what a good guy.

  5. purely senseless tragedy. It is so heartbreaking!

  6. A perfect scripture to hold on to. Heart and prayers to all the families and friends of those lives lost. And also to your community.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  7. This tragedy is impossible to fathom.

    I am disgusted that this person is getting such publicity...I swear that encourages others to follow the same path.

    Your scripture gives us something to cling to in a world confused by desiring fame at any cost.

    My prayers continue for all those touched by this tragedy.

    I hope you are feeling a bit better Anne.

    Sending you a hug and a prayer along with your A+!
