
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Love is.../Blue Monday

A silly little comic to lighten the day! This is definitely me! Ha!Ha! Waking up with one eye opened,  looking over at my Sweets. He has a birthday tomorrow. It will be a busy work day and then we can have a quiet evening. It is so hot here, we have no energy to do anything!

Come visit and join the fun.


Our garage shadowed by one of three pine trees towering to the sky! It is so hot here, over one hundred several days this week but the sky remains clear and blue!
Another tree near the house. These trees are beautiful but the cones they drop are so nuisances. They are not traditional pine cones you can decorate with! Come visit Sally and enjoy more blues!

One last sweet share. This mothering elephant hugging her young one! The compassion they show each other is so wonderful. I am seeing many people sharing their compassion this week and probably in the next few weeks to come.

Please pray for the victims and their families of the Aurora Movie Theater tragedy! Our oldest son J knew Jesse Childress and played flag football with him. J went to see the movie today with three friends. Jesse was 29 and lived in Thornton, Colorado.  He was single, an Air Force reservist. He worked at Buckley Air Force Base as a cyber system operator.

A blogger that I know here was at the movie Thursday night with her two daughters. They were lucky to run for their lives and are safe. I put her post on my Face Book page. You should read her Christian testimony. 

"You can not do a kindness too soon,  for you never know how soon it will be too late. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mind ,I will repay says the Lord" Romans 12:19


  1. Happy birthday to your sweets, Marydon! The blue skies are beautiful.

  2. Hope your hubby has a wonderful birthday tomorrow. I love that cartoon, reminds me of myself. lol

  3. I love this blue sky; thanks for sharing.

    I'm sorry for the families and friends of those killed and/or injured while at the movie.

    Happy Blue Monday, Anne.

  4. Darling cartoon. Have been heart broken for those victims in Aurora, just can't understand the minds and souls of these madmen.
    Have a good birthday celebration.

  5. I am always blown away by man's horrific the elephants!

  6. I woke up this morning and looked over at my husband and he was looking over at me. Make me smile all day.

    Praying, too, for the senseless shooting. I've been hearing the song, He's Still God, ringing in my ears.

  7. Gorgeous! Visiting from Blue Monday.

    My BLUE post, come and see when you get a chance.

  8. The blue skies are gorgeous but, they are deceiving aren't they? You would think it was just a beautiful day until you step out into the humidity! That is how it has been here. So hot and humid that it takes my breath away....literally! I hope all is well with you and your family!

  9. Happy belated birthday to your sweets :o) (As a teenager, I loved to cut out and collect those love is... cartoons). What beautiful blue skies in your photos. And my heart and prayers go out to the families and friends touched personally through that senseless tragedy.

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you dear friend for stopping over and for your kind comments.

  10. Enjoyed my visit and your very nice post.

  11. Hi Anne!
    I am out west this week visiting my childrena nd grandchildren. The Aurora shooting was such a horrendous tragedy. My heart and prayers go out to all the victim's families. It was so sad and senseless.

    Happy bealted birthday to your husband --hope you all had a wonderful celebration!

  12. Happy Birhtday to your Hubs!
    How awful it must be to actually know somenone who was a victim of the Movie Theater shootings. My heart goes out to all those families that were affected. My oldest son is known to go to many midnight showings of movies and my heart was in my thraot watching the TV as all the details were told. It can happen anywhere at any time.....
    Thanks so much for your visits and always , for your very kind words! I always smile when I see that you have stopped by!


  13. Beautiful photos. Very good captures.
