
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Z Man!

Oh this was the easiest "Z" for me! This is Zander. He is my relative. He is a cute fellow! He has a sweet big sister and a wonderful phamily.
Ah.....the sweet baby Zander loving those Chicago Bears! Maybe one day I will share the '85 Bears with him and their "Super Bowl Shuffle". Those were the good ole days! Sigh!
The day "Z" was born his big sister had more pressing things on her mind! Laugh Out Loud!

This "Z' has the greatest smile! He is a Zippity Do Dah kinda baby! So pleasant!
"Z" Bat Man! Happy Halloween! Is he the cutest Batman Baby ever? So serious. Thinking about the state of Gotham City!

I am zapped of energy! Long hard day at work! Have you been to the zoo? I work there! Laugh Out Loud!

Some days I can zip through all the chaos! Today I am  needing a glass of Zinfandel!

Before you head over to visit Ms. Jenny answer this question. Do you remember "Ziggy"?  I loved him and he was always making me smile in the cartoons! His little dog is "Fuzz"!
Now zoom over there and visit lots of participates too! Have a great Friday! I will be visiting the Z people tomorrow! Catch some z's and sweet dreams!


  1. Oh what a cute litte Z fella:) I do remember Ziggy AND the Super Bowl Shuffle! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. What cuties!!!!! Just ADORABLE!!! I used to love reading Ziggy!!!

  3. Such a cute Z baby! Lovely post!

  4. Wow, you got a lot of Z's in this post! I sure do know who Ziggy is. ~ Maureen

  5. awe, Baby Zander is totally Adorable!!! and what a fab name!!!

  6. Zander is so precious. You had fun with zzzzz.

  7. Z-man is zuper cute:)

    Thnak you for popping over to my blog. I know your Mother is happy watching over you and the beautiful Phamily.

    All best and hugs to Z-man.


  8. What a beautiful baby (cool name btw). I especially like the picture with the Batman shirt.

  9. Hi Anne, This is the cutest post. Zander is adorable. Your Z post is full of fun and yes, I laughed out loud too. I too love Ziggy.
    J pray your got some rest. I have a feeling your 'zoo' needs you.

    Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  10. That Zander just makes me heart zmile.


    That was bad!

    He is really cute, though!

    I hope you start feeling peppier soon! It seems like it's been a few months of icky for you, sweet lady.

    Sending a hug and big wish for a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving for you all!

