
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Love is.../Blue Monday

O.K. so we can't dance around the kitchen right now! My Sweets has a terrible cold and he coughs so much I am afraid he will cough up a lung! But we have always loved dancing at home with the kids when they were small! It is one of those little pleasures that does not cost a thing! Visit Marydon and share your favorite Love is...with her too!
Now I want to share something blue! Stop by Sally's and join the fun!  I participated in the Secret Santa Soiree at Suzanne's. I received my package on Friday and I was so excited! This was in my gift package. A pretty blue tea for one tea pot and a navy blue tin filled with English Breakfast Tea and a pretty blue box filled with tasty candy! Thank you Secret Santa! I will have great difficulties figuring our who you are! You sent my gift from an online tea store! LOL! Hmmm..... Thank you because you sent a gift I truly love and will use! It really made me happy! Merry Christmas where ever you are!
Saturday morning the mail carrier dropped another package off! From Tenneesee! Hmmm....A pretty Scentsy warmer! How did you know Secret Santa that I just stocked up on the sweet smelling little wax melts? I promptly set this up in my bathroom. Thank you for sending such a nice gift package! I am really enjoying all these lovely treasures!

Now let me get some rest and you visit Sally and Marydon and Suzanne very soon! Love to all of you and thanks for the gifts Secret Santa!


  1. I'm sure you feel special with these lovely blue tea treats.

    Happy Blue Monday, Anne.

  2. Hope he feels better soon! LOVING your happy mail!!!

  3. Such nice and thoughtful gifts! I bet your Secret Santa had a great time shopping for you knowing how much you love Blue and Tea. Cute 'Love Is'...HiHoney and I do a mean Waltz across Texas cheek to cheek...sometimes in the kitchen! LOL!!!!

  4. Happy Monday and Merry Christmas to you - I bet it looks like Christmas there for sure with snow. sandie

  5. What nice Secret Santas! The little teapot is darling!

  6. I liked you pretty Blue tea pot, perfect for this cold weather for tea:)

    Visiting from Blue Monday- hope you can stop by:

  7. Your Secret Santa did very well. Trust you and family will be feeling better soon and enjoy the holidays.

  8. OH, Anne, I am sure you had so much fun!! Merry Christmas to you and your phamily!! So glad you participated this year!

  9. I hope he feels better soon! What wonderful gifts from your secret Santa!

  10. Hi Anne, what nice things you received, I keep wanting to get a scentsy but can't part with the money to do it, so nice you got one as a gift! And the goodies, so cool. Hope Avery feels better soon,

  11. Such nice gifts from your Secret Santa! I have a Scentsy too and love it!


  12. I love your decor!

    I know it's Friday already but I don't want to miss the BLUE entries so here I am.

    Hope you can also comment on my my BLUE post

  13. Hi from Tennessee! It took me a while to figure out which blog was yours. =) I'm so glad you enjoyed your gifts. I hope it was okay that all the tea things came from online. There isn't a good tea shop here in Knoxville - or not that I've discovered!

    Susan/ dezertsuz at gmail
    desertskyquilts and cq4fun
