
Sunday, December 23, 2012


I am dreaming of a white Christmas! In the past one hundred and twelve years we have only seen snow on Christmas Day fourteen times where I live! I have been away from my blog! Not because I want to be but because life has been stressful! The office where I work had become a zoo and my mind was not anywhere but there! The work was piling up and finally the doctor had to make a very difficult decision. He let the lady who was causing such chaos go! If she had slipped a few times and not completed her work he would have understood. But the poison in her mind was filtering into those who had to work closely with her as well as those who had contact with her making all the daily office decisions run very akwardly. I don't want to get into all the problems but prayer for this woman is needed. She is a menace to herself as well as anyone who comes in contact with her. I have often felt she was troubled with mental illness. She could be very kind and then at a moments notice snap and be rude and extremely cruel. I found it difficult to pray for her. I confided in a dear friend and she said I had to pray about it, make peace about the severity of the situation and once I could let go of all that bitterness I felt I could pray for her...

Then the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting happened. It tore at my heart! I am sad twenty five years later at the loss of my unborn child. A baby girl I was never to know in this world. So my sadness compiled with work related stress and the heartache I felt for those who lost their loved ones was too much to bear. I prayed. I prayed harder. I spent many hours praying for these victims families. I started making a new prayer list. It was so heartbreaking. It seemed everywhere I looked sadness was filling this beautiful season. The time of year where I delight in making a birthday cake for our Lord. Where I love to spend hours dreaming of the perfect gift for my Secret Santa. I hung my favorite Christmas ornaments on  the tree. My favorite USA made silver ornie that simply states " I Believe In Jesus". My favorite childhood memory, a metal ornie that says "I believe in Santa". My blue bird sitting in his nest inside my Christmas tree. Because my mother always said a Christmas tree is not complete without a bird in it!

I found that I could only do what one person can do! Pray! Express kindness where ever I go! Smile! Hand out a compliment to those I deal with in the work place. Continue to trust the Lord. Remember the reason for this season.
So although my Christmas celebration will be a bit off this year, all my Nativity sets are packed away somewhere I have not searched yet we will join all together and celebrate the season. We will remember the less fortunate, the hurting, the homeless. We are in for colder weather. Temperatures to drop into the thirties. I will pray. I will hold those I love close. We will celebrate with turkey and ham and all the wonderful holidays traditions we share. I did find the perfect gift for my Secret Santa. But they may read this and I can not give away my surprise yet! I read about a real Christmas miracle. On Face Book a friend I have there has a family member who had a little baby struggling for her life. She will be released in time for Christmas. Little Kaydence! Going home for the holidays! My joy was set! A tiny little person I prayed so hard for along with countless others was going to go home. A real Christmas miracle.

We bought tamales today. We always have a huge Christmas Eve celebration! My youngest daughter loves the vegetarian tamales a local Mexican restaurant makes, we love their mild pork tamales. So we ordered three dozen to share. I found cherry chips at the baking aisle in my grocery store! I am happy I still have time to make my cherry mash candies! Although I did not get to send my Christmas cards from Santa Claus, Indiana I ended up sending way more than I anticipated! I LOVE sending and receiving cards  so it was an easy choice! I just started to think of everyone who needed some cheer, like myself, and I mailed them so hopefully they were all received!

Tomorrow I will share a Christmas letter we received. Our former babysitter Heather, who today is the mother of six made their holiday letter all about the reason for the season. It touched my heart and helped me feel better about the holiday season.

I will continue to pray for the families of all those lost in the Connecticut shooting. In these difficult times we must not stray from God! He ultimately holds all the answers and we have to trust that.

Let me make you smile here:

What’s Your ELF Name?

Whats your elf name

 Perky Pointy Toes here, wishing you a very Merry Christmas!


  1. A heartfelt post for the season. I'm feeling the same way about the tradegy in Conn., seems everywhere we look there is evil trying to destroy. Our only answer is prayer.
    Merry Christmas

  2. Merry Christmas from Sugarplum McJingles. Your season is full of sorrow and of joy, and as you say, prayer is powerful. Prayer changes the one who prays, for the better, I believe.

  3. Twinkle Floppy Feet is here wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas. Prayers are needed for many in our world today. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and struggles. It makes us all closer to each other here in the land of blog. Celebrating the joy of our Savior's birth today and tomorrow will keep us all focused on the good He shares with us. Merry Christmas, my friend.♥♫

  4. I hope you have a great Christmas! I didn't even get to mail the Christmas Cards this year. I bought them, but I did not get them written and sent. It is a quiet christmas here and it is white. While we were heading to church, it was snowing too much so we had to turn back to Kathy's parents house.


  5. Happy "day-after" from Twinkle Plum Pants!
    I love how you've gently reminded us -- despite the un-explainable and unfathomable ... to simply pray.
    So close to Christmas, I think the Newtown,CT tragedy dealt a real blow to everyone's spirits. Couple that with your work-day stress? Wow.
    Please forgive me for not checking-in recently. I've no excuses; just felt overwhelmed, and if truth be told, probably forgot to turn it over to the Lord!
    Hugs from Phoenix,

  6. Such a beautiful post Annie, I hope you had a great Christmas!

    Very late Visit from Blue Monday.
    Hope you can still drop me a line at my BLUE post.
    Happy Holidays!
