
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Saint Nicholas

Today is the feast of Saint Nicholas. When I was small our parents always had us place a bowl on the kitchen table  on the Eve of  Saint Nicholas (Dec 5) and the next morning our bowls would be filled with lots of goodies, an orange, some coins and always a handful of tasty candy treats. It is a wonderful childhood memory and I passed it on to my own children. Now they are older and one is living nine hours away so we did not do it this year. Kind of sad. But the story of Saint Nicholas is a good one. He was from a wealthy family and his parents died in an epidemic. He was raised by an uncle and it is said when he received his inheritance he gave it all away to the poor. He was a kind and generous person and it is also said that he left coins in the shoes of those who set them out. He is often incorporated with Santa Claus and there are many wonderful stories you can read about this religious man! Our youngest son is named Nicholas and we proudly celebrate this feast day!

I wanted to share this with you today. I am still trying to get my Alphabe Thursday post up and I am getting a sinus infection and my hubby is suffering with a terrible head cold. We hear that our weather is going to change so perhaps some rain and snow will sweep all these awful germs away! As always prayer is very welcome here. It is a difficult time to work with those that are non believers and worse than that people who are mean spirited.

I hope your day is filled with happiness, love and lots of kindnesses.


  1. Oh, we got oranges and nuts !
    Praying you will be 100 percent soon. It IS so difficult with non-believers and mean-spirits, really tries us doesn't it. Add not feeling well to that and I am def. holding you up in prayer !

  2. happy Saint Nicholas day to you! thanks for the history lesson.
    being sick anytime anywhere always stinks...hope you feel better and your day is just delightful!!
    i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  3. Thank you Anne for sharing the story of Saint Nicholas. I don't think I've heard it before, and if so, I'd forgotten. What a neat tradtion and celebration with the Bowl of Goodies on Dec 5th Eve.

    Hope you are feeling better soon and that the SNOW freezes the Cold Germs away. Is that an oxymoron...Freezes the Cold...mmmm!!!

  4. Oh well, that's something new to me. Wish that I would have known about this when our sons were living at home.

    Feel better!

  5. I've always heard great stories about St. Nicholas. That is a neat tradition. Wish I knew about it 15 years ago because I would have done that with my kids. Sorry you aren't feeling well. I will pray. We are supposed to get rain and much colder temperatures next week. I tried to stock up today so I won't have to go out and shop in it! lol


  6. Oh gosh, letting go of that tradition had to hurt, Anne!

    Sorry to learn you and your hubby aren’t feeling well. I think physical and mental hurts feel more pronounced around the holidays, don’t you? Prayers being sent, from our home to yours!

  7. I never knew St Nicholas Day to be celebrated when I was growing up. Neither was it celebrated in the area we lived in when my kids were young. It is celebrated, though, in the city I live in now by some people. The kids put their shoes out overnight to be filled with goodies by St. Nick.
