
Thursday, January 3, 2013

"G" is for Grateful

I am stuck on grateful! Last year I thought that was a great word! I was being grateful for so much! Good health, great friends, wonderful phamily.  So I am repeating myself and saying grateful is the greatest word I can use to get through another year. I am very blessed. Having worked very hard my entire life I have very little material things. But I am joyful and filled with blessings and good things everyday! As I age I find that little things mean so much more than having "stuff". Years ago the comedian George Carlin did a routine on having stuff! It was so truthful but almost silly. The more we have the more we want. So many people  want stuff. Then they need a bigger place to store their stuff! It goes on and on!

I hope you will stop by Ms. Jenny's and join the "G" words today! Goodness, Gracious, By Golly, Good Gravy! You may find a word or two. Please come over and share!
 "And the let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,to which indeed you were called in one body ; and be thankful. : Colossians 3:15
"For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected , and it is received with gratitude , for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer." 1 Timothy 4:4-5
Hebrews 12:28-29 Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire.


  1. GRATEFUL is a really GREAT word, Anne. I think we all need to practice being more grateful for every little thing in our life- xo Diana

  2. I am grateful for so much:) Have a blessed day and thanks for sharing the letter G with me! HUGS!

  3. Anne I am also so grateful for my blessings. I'm starting a new party and it will be Gratitude Sunday...hope you will join in!
    hugs, Linda

  4. Grateful is a great word. I am grateful for so much...thanks for the reminder!!

  5. We do have so much for which to be grateful, don't we? We can't ever hear a reminder of that too often. Thank you.

  6. Such a wonderful post, Anne. Lucky are we to have so much to be grateful for. Happy New Year.

    All the best,

  7. Yes, it's really me. And I love this post, Anne. Things may be tough for a lot of people right now,k but there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for!

  8. I'm joining you in Gratitude this year, Anne. I had to laugh again, remembering George Carlin's observances. Cute then, and now, so powerful in its Truth.
    Hope you're enjoying a Great Saturday!

  9. I think, in fact, that you have quite a lot. To be able to find happiness with your life, and understanding that 'things' are not important is quite a gift! Lovely post.

  10. What a gorgeously lovely post Miss Anne.

    I love this word.

    And I try and remind myself everyday to have gratitude for all my blessings!

    You are such a lovely person!

    Generous of heart and spirit.

    Thank you!

    And thank you for linking.

