
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Love is...../ Blue Monday

 I like to watch football with my Sweets!  But wasn't too interested in this Super Bowl! Lots of political ranting! Too many whimpy, rude players and not much class!  When I worked in the hospital Emergency room several years ago there were always lots of people coming in for injuries sustained because of football and drinking excessively! Kind of a sad thing. We settle in and watch most football games together at home! So this Love is.. caught my eye ! Please visit Marydon and share your favorites today!
A pretty Valentine to share from I love the little touches of blue! I hope you visit Sally and share your favorite blues today!


  1. Wow, Lovely blue background and header♡♡♡
    Never knew the linking of the site.

    I feel kind of the same way fr the sports.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  2. Love the vintage valentine.
    I stopped watching the game after half time. Some of the commercials I thought were disgusting.
    Happy Blue Monday!

  3. Thanks for sharing your blues. I enjoyed watching the Super Bowl with Johnny. Your "love is..." is a good one, I think.

    I like the blue in your valentine.

    Happy Blue Monday, Anne.

  4. G'morn sweetie ~ Love this Love Is. Don't have this one. The game was fabulous. I never watch any football but Super Bowl I do so I can see the Clydesdale commercials.
    The game actually was quite interesting & I did a fair share of whooping it up with the rest of them.

    Love the pretty Valentine.


  5. Hi Anne, I enjoyed visiting your blog this morning! Love the vintage card! And thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog. I watched a little bit of the game last night with hubby, but couldn't get into it. Have a great week!

  6. Anne,
    Thanks for stopping by!!
    I HATE football! I think it is a barberic sport with men who get paid far too much for acting like bafoons!!


  7. Oh another sweet Love Is. I remember these. I think I told you last week. I love the Blue Valentine. I posted about Blue Barns today at My Home Sanctuary.
    Come by for a visit.
    Have a wonderful week finding more Blues.

  8. Darling blue valenine I must say! We really enjoyed the Super Bowl and my fav team won. Thats an activity that my hubby and I like to do together. Have a great week.

  9. Hello Anne!

    Sorry it has taken so long for me to visit--moving has been one big job!

    My daughter and son-in-law had a Superbowl party yesterday. I spent most of the time playing with my grandsons --I love seeing them more often now that we live in Colorado!

  10. Thank you for visiting my blog! I use to cut the "love is..." out of the newspaper and collect the. I think I still have them some where.

  11. Very, very pretty blues. Blue was my mothers favorite color, whenever I see blue I think of her. Thank you for stopping by. Hugs...Lu

  12. Well Happy Blues! Didn't watch the super bowl this year, but I love that pretty Valentine you've shared. Very Sweet!

  13. What a beautiful valentine! Not much of a football fan, I caught up on some letter writing. Thanks for sharing, and stopping by, Laura

  14. Gosh, but you've hit the nail on the head about (so many) football players. I suspect many of them have been taught to be that way, even before they get to the "big leagues." ... although I can't imagine Michael Ohre's (adopted) mom would stand for that - ha!

    'Just glad no-one was seriously injured, ya know?

    Have a great week!

  15. I still have not gotten into football at 46 years old. I do try and wish I liked it.

    The blue touches are very sweet. My blue is here

  16. Wow.... got to see Love is after a long time.

  17. Thank you for visiting my Blue Monday post.

    I love your blue.
