
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Love is.../ Blue Monday

This was our morning! We had an early evening but a super busy day yesterday so we came home from dinner and went to sleep at  nine last night. We did not get up until past seven this morning! You know sometime you just need that extra rest!
So visit  Marydon and share your favorite Love is....
I hope you visit Sally and all the blue crew too! I have a few shares with pretty blue birds. Hope you enjoy them!
I never see blue birds where I live but I see some interesting birds flocking together where we walk around the water at the rec center. Lots of birds I am not familiar with but enjoy listening to and watching! This parakeet is blue and he is sitting with his green and yellow pals! Hee Hee!


  1. I see lots of blue and white Magpies here where
    I live in Colorado, Anne. They are very large and noisy and hard to miss. I am looking forward to our first summer here to see what other birds I see. Happy Blue Monday!

  2. Gorgeous birds. I played too. Mine are here and here.

  3. I love the first bird. Looks beautiful with pink flower around it.

  4. They are blue-tiful. I don't often see bluebirds either. Thanks for playing.

    Happy Blue Monday, Anne.

  5. Beautiful BLUES:) Love seeing pretty birds! Sounds like you needed some rest and got it! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. you have wild parakeets? now that is just magic.

  7. Gorgeous birds - I love the top photo - the blue on his back looks so good with the browny/orange chest feathers - I wish we had such vibrant birds over here in the UK.

  8. Wonderful photos for HMB ~ the birds are so colorful and nature's gems ~ ^_^

  9. You'd love the Bluebirds here. :) They are "back" from where ever they disappear to in the winter.

  10. Ahhh I love days/morning like those!


  11. I am always thrilled when I see a blue bird. Up here we have Stellar's Jays - lovely, saucy blue birds!
    A long and good night's sleep is such a treat. I'll bet you really needed it.

  12. We had some new birds at our feeder this morning. My husband took pictures of them and they were black with white bellies, had red on breast and large yellow beaks. He looked them up and thinks they might be Rosy Breasted Grosbeaks. Ever had them?

  13. We don't get a lot of blue birds here either. lots of cardinals though. love the shot of the blue jay. Blessings, Debbie

  14. Beautiful blue birds. You have just brought back fond memories of a parakeet I had.

  15. Lovely post and photos. Congratulations on winning the Prairie Flower Farm contest.

  16. Happy Anniversary, Anne! I hope you have a lovely day!

  17. That bottom picture is so cute!

    I love the three little birds!

  18. I see robins, especially the poor families that lived in our choke cherry tree! Since we had to remove it they sit on the sidewalk and look up to where it use to be! :-(
    I saw a blue heron once at the rec center open spaces. I use to know a gentleman who knew birds like most of us know our own selves! Oh I wish I had that talent. All of your comments make me smile! I LOVE knowing each one of you and I am going to look for more birds. I will try to post pics and you can help me by telling me if you know these species!
