
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Flag Day, Father's Day and SONday!

This is my sweet pa! I believe he is holding my (late) sister Pat! He was such a kind, handsome and wonderful man. All I know that is good in life he and my mom taught me!
I love my flag and I like to fly it daily. We had it up and proud of it this June 14th, to celebrate Flag Day!
Happy Father's Day to the man I love! He is a wonderful husband and a very good dad to our five kids! Oh these younger days! Sigh!
My son-in-law Roger and three of his four grandkids! Hee Hee!
My grandson Andrew and his precious son.
Lil Blue Eyes!  How did he grow so quickly?
Happy Father's Day to my nephew Aaron with his dad Carl, Aaron's son Ryan and Carl's dad "Grandpa Bernie". Four generations of  men. Proud to be part of this phamily too.

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”
C.S. Lewis

This reminds me of my favorite marriage made in heaven" Mine! Hee Hee! Come visit Marydon and share your favorite Love is....with us today, then visit Sally. Tell her you counted the blues over here! I am sure I counted four including those big blue eyes that belong to my grand baby with his blonde curls!
...Or five with these gorgeous blue hydrangreas! Wish these were in my yard!

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
Marcel Proust


  1. Happy, happy Father's Day wishes. Especially like the picture of your father and sister.

  2. Aw, you always have the greatest pictures!
    So hope yours was a warm and wonderful Father's Day. Our memories may be bittersweet, but aren't we're so blessed to be able to revisit, even if only in our minds?
    Wishing you a most blessed new week!

  3. Nice to see everyone is happy. Surrounded by blue-ish thing is wonderful too.

    Happy week.
    /CC girl

  4. I'd love to have those blue hydrangeas in my yard too!

    Your phamily is phantastic, Anne.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  5. Love your blue hydrangeas...
    and a very lovely family.
    Happy Blues

  6. Love your blue hydrangeas...
    and a very lovely family.
    Happy Blues

  7. Beautiful family photos! I wish those blue hydrangeas were in my yard too! My aunt had several huge bushes of them -- pinks, purples and blues! I loved them even as a child!

  8. What a better place this world would be if more families were like yours. A very nice way to honor them.

  9. I love the photos both old and new.


  10. Beautiful flowers, they are one of my fav's. Have a great week.
