
Friday, July 19, 2013


These no calorie cupcakes are my favorite! They are made from recycled sweaters! A sweet gal I know in California makes these darling cupcakes but I borrowed a google image or two or three  today!
Tell me you don't just love these?
Lots of sweet cupcakes to choose from! Say hello to Beverly and visit a pinkie or two. I have found some of the newer pinkies are delightful to know! I think the Pink Saturday posts are amazing but I think some people don't like to share with others and you will always find me speaking my mind! I love all the sweet folks who visit me primarily from Sally's Blue Monday crew and Jenny's Alphabe Thursday gang!  I see the same faithful folks making a comment and making me smile. I just think it is such a nice courtesy to visit and at least say hi! I know there are folks who don't like recipes and cooking. Others don't have pets! Some prefer to keep their phamilies under wraps! But being courteous is a really nice thing. So I enjoy those that comment back to me when I comment to them! Thank you for making my day brighter! A lesson in manners and courtesy for the many pinkies who don't like visiting!
With all the changes around blog world it is hard to catch up with everyone. I have taken to handwriting my favorites in a notebook and one of these days I am going to visit these super crafty gals like Julie a super cool friend who has multi talent when it comes to creating beauty things with phamily pics and design a cover for my notebook! I am proud of all the wonderful friendships I have formed. If you know someone that needs to visit a few blogs whether they are a pinkie or not just tell them to:


  1. First, these "cupcakes" are so cool! Some peoples' creativity is nothing short of amazing!

    AMEN (and "amen" again) for sharing your thoughts on common courtesy!!! I love your speaking your mind.

    Ya, and I think (this) is something all of us have struggled with at one time or another ... trying not to get our feelings hurt if shares aren't acknowledged. Personally, I've stopped commenting on a couple blogs when, after a prolonged time, there was no reciprocity. (OK, that's probably wrong on me, but how long can one keep knocking at doors?)

    Have a sweet evening, and a great weekend!

  2. I agree with you and I am never one to back down from what I think! LOL! I think some blogs are too into their big everything they have! I am not a braggy bloggy! I don't like all the advertising I see and also sometime people just want to make you jealous! So immature and they will never reciprocate and send a nice hello to you! Just burns me up! But if I started on the Face Book thing and all the political comments, UGH!....many times I thought of dumping Face Book but I have so many friends that live far away these days! It is nice to visit. Plus my nephew in Kentucky just identified a cool bird I saw today! American Goldfinch! yea......

  3. Love the super 'sweet' pin cushions...and calorie free! HPS :)

  4. Awwwwwwww you are so sweet my friend!!!! And love love love love love the cupcakes!!

  5. Here I am, catching up! I read your Icing post from Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday. You know, I had Red Velvet Cake for the first time ever, just last week. I loved the cupcakes in this post - what little girl (or little girl in a grown-up girl's body !) wouldn't love a collection of those sweets!?

  6. The sweater cupcakes look insanely cute! My niece knits/crochets them, and it seems addictive to make them.

    Thanks for coming by earlier!

  7. Amazing cupcakes. I would never have thought about making them from sweaters.
    I'm sorry to say that I don't always get my messages answered. I need to do better at that.

  8. You have to know I love cupcakes! lol

  9. Love these!

    Although now I am really, really craving buttercream!
