
Monday, September 30, 2013

"S" is for Sunshine and Blue Monday Touched with Love is...

As a child I loved learning this song and I sang it a lot! As a young mother I sang it to my children. It is a wonderful song and I found a few images to share for Sally and the Blue Crew!
This one has a pretty blue and yellow sun flower drawing on the card! So simple and sweet.
Colorado is happy the sun has returned! This image shares a beautiful sunrise shared by a happy skier! The sky is always so blue here!
In the book "A 1,000 Places to see Before You Die" shares Telluride, Colorado as a place to visit. The sun loves shining on this beautiful town and if you ever have the chance to visit please do.It is tucked away high in our mountains and this is a view you would see. Blue skies, spacious open spaces.
Doesn't this Love is...warm your heart? I love seeing eye to eye with my hubby and some days it does not always happen. On Friday he took off several hours from work to take me to urgent care for an ear infection. My silly doctor happened to see on call and sent me home with some very strong medication. I am still light headed but will head to work this morning. I will have to learn to cut down on my stress and spend a few more quiet moments than not! My hubby made some favorite foods for me and made sure I was taken take of. It made me smile even through my pain! Say a prayer for Marydon because she is dealing with a more serious health issue. She always shares her favorite Love is... with us so you should too.
A few areas of Colorado will thrill you with their pretty autumn colors. But hurry snow was in the high country this weekend and more is on the way. Visit Ms. Jenny and see all the "S" posts there! I was late but share my favorites too. This week had to see sunshine after all the rain we had!

Romans 12:9

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.


  1. Hi Anne,

    I used to play that song on the piano when I was nine years old. Unfortunately, I stopped my lessons so I can only sing--not play the piano now.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  2. I sing that song to Mackenzie going & coming when I pick her up .. now she literally can sing it with me .. & she's only 2 yrs old. Memories of yore being kept alive in her childhood. Love your love is ... eye to eye only.

    Big hugs, Anne
    TTFN ~Marydon

  3. May never get to enjoy the beauty of Colorado again, but it was pure joy when I did. I would never met you if I had not had the pleasure of being there. May you have a blessed week.

  4. Lovely 'blue' photos for HBM ~ carol ^_^

  5. That is cute - my husband and i don't always see eye to eye - but we are going on 40 years!

  6. You are so's a very special song and one most of us learn as children. It's the one and only song I learned to play on the guitar. Pretty blue skies in Colorado...I know you are all happy to see the 'Sunshine'. Take care and take some time to see eye to eye and lips to lips with your LOVE! That'll relieve some stress! LOL!!!! Happy Blue Monday, and thanks for your visits...your comments always make my day!

  7. Memories ... beautiful memories of singing that song with my parents ... and later to my son. :)
    (Sure beats some of which they call "music" today, doesn't it?)

    What a DEAR is your hubby!!! You're right, it's the little things that make all the difference.

    Holding you and Marydon in my prayers tonight ... feel better soon, OK?


  8. I love that song too Anne. I too sang it to my children. I'm sorry you have been ill. I don't know if I could have gone to work like you did. Your hubby is a keeper for sure. My prayers are going up for Marydon. How sad to hear she too is ill with serious issues. I'm praying for healing for you both. Love the skiing photo. We skied in Colorado for many years. I miss it so much.

    Wishing you happy and better days ahead.
    xoxo, Jeanne

  9. Love that song:) Beautiful pictures of places I would love to visit! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  10. I love You Are My Sunshine!, holds fond memories for me too.

    Sorry I'm late, was out of town for an errand.

