
Sunday, September 8, 2013

What's Blue For Blue Monday?

Oh goodness, Summer is quickly going to fade away and Autumn will find its way into our lives. I love the crisp fall air and crunchy apples. Two of my favorite things about the weather cooling off. But we still have a little Summer left so get out your fresh blueberries and you can make this simple pie. It is from Rose Levy Beranbaum, Her cookbook the Pie and Pastry Bible is amazing. This one is simple and I would share it with Sally and all the Blue Crew.

32 NFL Football Teams

Arizona Cardinals
Atlanta Falcons
Baltimore Ravens
Buffalo Bills
Carolina Panthers
Chicago Bears
Cincinnati Bengals
Cleveland Browns
Dallas Cowboys
Denver Broncos
Detroit Lions
Green Bay Packers
Houston Texans
Indianapolis Colts
Jacksonville Jaguars
Kansas City Chiefs
Miami Dolphins
Minnesota Vikings
New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints
New York Giants
New York Jets
Oakland Raiders
Philadelphia Eagles
Pittsburgh Steelers
San Diego Chargers
San Francisco 49ers
Seattle Seahawks
St. Louis Rams
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Tennessee Titans
Washington Redskins

Autumn brings football season into full swing! These are the current NFL footballs and I am sharing the teams that have some blue on their   logo/helmets:
Wow! Fourteen teams have blue in their logo and helmets! My favorite team is the Denver Broncos. How about you? Do you follow football? Like a certain team or did you grow up in a football town?


  1. Hi Anne,

    My team is the Miami Dolphins, and I thank you for posting their helmet.

    I goofed up with Mr. Linky and had to TRY to correct my error. That's why we had such a clumsy start.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  2. I see my 2 teams are on that blue list! :)

  3. I love my Atlanta Falcons but also ADORE the Manning boys:) Have a blessed week dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Now in Texas, there is only one team, Dallas Cowboys. Hope they keep playing like they did last night. Have a good week.

  5. very creative and timely for HBM and the season ~ carol, xo

  6. Our blueberries are just about gone, but your pie looks yummy. I'm a Giants fan and go, go Eli Manning.

  7. Do we follow football Yes!!! But not your sort - We have Australian Rules Football and our team is playing finals at the moment but sadly they don't wear Blue! A very clever idea of yours - I love all the blue helmets.

    Have a great week


  8. I love college football, Alabama. Roll tide.

  9. Hello Anne, We love football too. Only more college football than NFL. It is amazing how many teams use blue for their colors. Love this post.
    xo, Jeanne
