
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Writing Letter(s)

I love to write! I have always loved it and I love to this very day to write a note in a hand written card. I think the personal touch will never go out of style.
Through the years I have kept dozens of hand written birthday greeting and postcards from various relatives and friends. When the World Trade Center was brand new many many years ago my mothers oldest sister went to visit her son and his family. They went on a tour of the WTC and she sent a postcard. I still have that card and I will have to get it out one of these days and show it to you. It has lots of wonderful memories because my Aunt Mary  wasn't a big traveler and after she was widowed her son took to to NYC to see all the sights because he lived and worked in the Eastern region of the USA. Plus I have her handwriting preserved on that sweet postcard.
I have a whole box of sympathy cards, letters and messages all handwritten from 1987, the year our unborn daughter Rachel passed away. To this very day I take those cards out and read over the kindnesses so many shared with us. I will always love a hand written greeting.

I am going to have a milestone birthday in December. I share that date with some awesome people including Julie who is a favorite blog friend and a very talented one too! So I want to find my mailbox filled with birthday greetings. I am a kid at heart and will never change. I think sitting down and writing out a thoughtful note to someone in your own handwriting is such a beautiful and personal touch. Nothing can replace it. Plus if you are the crafty sort you can recycle your cards into lots of fun crafty ideas to reuse!

I hope you will visit Ms. Jenny and share a "W" thought today. I hope you liked my writing letters post and it makes you think that you need to send a thoughtful note to someone you care about.

"The day I got my first letter from a fan, I felt like I'd been touched by an angel." Selena Gomez


  1. I love writing too.. however nowadays I do more writing online then on paper.

  2. Great post!! I scanned all the handwritten memorabilia I had collected over the years when we downsized last year.

  3. What I love about handwritten letters and cards is that you can touch (and smell!) the paper.

    Online messages just don't cut it for me!

  4. Very creative post and photos for W ~ Somehow ~ I think the art of letter writing needs revival ~ thanks, carol ^_^

  5. I love writing notes and cards AND receiving them:) It just doesn't get old to me at all, getting a card or note in the mail instead of on the computer is MUCH better! Have a blessed day dear friend, BIG HUGS!

  6. Hello Anne, I am sorry my comment is so belated. I have been very ill but am now much improved. There have been days when I haven't even looked at my computer. I'm back.

    I too loved to receive a written note. I confess, I am not so good at writing notes any more. I do keep notes that have been written to me though. I recently found one from our son to me and it is a treasure. Your story about the postcard to you about the WTC is awesome. a piece of history and you should share it one day.

    Wishing you happy days.
    Love, Jeanne

  7. I too love writing a note in a card. Receiving them is great fun as well!

  8. I too love writing a note in a card. Receiving them is great fun as well!

  9. Makes me think I should get busy with a pen and paper! Enjoy the sunshine we are having. It sure helps my attitude.♥♫

  10. I, too , like receiving the actual hand-written card/note/letter. it's just too bad my handwriting is bad, or else I would be writing a lot more.

    hope you have a sweet day.

  11. I keep all my cards too. When I was 16 my mom gave me a memories box. It had cards from as far back as my baby shower. I was floored and since then have kept every single one to add in there. :-)

  12. Thank you, Anne, for voicing what I (and I suspect lots of others) are feeling. Poor grammar, 'scuze!
    I stopped writing years ago, thinking my cursive was plumb UGLY ... never pausing to consider what a hand-written note means. To this day, I absolutely CHERISH those scraps of paper and recipe cards in my sweet momma's handwriting.

    It's going to be a rocking December birthday in Colorado's mailbox ... you bet-cha!

  13. I have to agree. There's something special about the time and effort it takes to share a hand written note.

  14. It is wonderful to write, in many cases we learn from ourselves, because every writer reflects on itself!

  15. Writing letters is, indeed, wonderful.

    I still go through old cards and letters I have, too.

    I try to send some 'snail mail' letters and cards. I wonder if others are as excited to receive them!

    Thanks for linking!

    You are a wonder.

