
Monday, November 25, 2013

A Blue Monday

Goodness the time is flying away from me! Our office is moving and I hope you will all pray. Lots of problems arising so we are trying to roll with it! The new office is one block away and it is much larger and lots of wonderful windows. We look out to the west so it is nice to overlook the I-25 highway traffic and see the majestic mountains snow capped behind all the hustle and bustle.
Some blue and white packing boxes for Sally and the Blue crew. We have lots of packing to do so I know we will use these boxes and lots of this:
Packing tape is pretty these days. Lots to do and I have not been on my blog. Thanks to everyone who visits and leaves comments. Plus feeling blah until Nick arrived home Friday. Then we got busy with the phamily. It has been a blessing.
I am trying to work on my Secret Santa too! I always participate with Suzanne and am excited to find lots of  cool ideas for my Secret Santa friend.
I missed last week too with Marydon and this little Love is..reminds me to be thankful for all I have. We may not have lots of money or material things but we have faith and good health and a wonderful phamily with many bountiful blessings. I am excited to share Thanksgiving with my phamily and hope you will too.
A Norman Rockwell favorite and hopefully all the Blue Monday folks will notice the sweet blue and white dress the Missus is wearing! What's on your holiday menu?


  1. Hi Anne,

    Love your blues. Thanks for joining in.

    Have a good Blue Monday.

  2. Things are changing here, too. Sarah and her husband are going to move home to live with me. The recent move into a home in Thornton with a room mate/owner of the house did not work out. I have an over abundance of stuff to sort through to make more room for their stuff so I need to get busy!!! Hope your office move goes well and that you will be able to see our beautiful mountains from your place in this new office. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!!♥♫

  3. Just wanted to say hello and happy thanksgiving! sandie

  4. I'm glad you will have windows at your new place of work and beautiful scenery to view outside them.

    I pray you and your family will have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving,


  5. Prayers for your move. My last office moved three times and each time seemed to eat up huge chunks of time. I know how rough these moves are.

  6. I'm excited about your new office!

    And congratulations about your Blogaversary.

    I've been swamped here but I'm finally getting by to say hi for the letter "B"!

    Thanks for a beautiful link!

    Congratulations on four years of sharing yourself with blogland!

