
Friday, November 29, 2013

Think Pink!

The song says "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and I agree! So for Beverly and the Pinkies this weekend think pink!
A Cool pink cat with some fun shades!
My son Nick misplaced his wallet today. He was getting upset and I was thinking this thought, Keep Calm! For him think pink might not work but when I think pink, I smile!
A striped tea cup in pink and white with a special cupcake! So sweet!
Oh how I love the Pink Panther! He is a special fellow and always getting into mischief!
So are you thinking pink yet?  Hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving with those you love and I wish you much pinkness for this weekend. Don't forget my blogaversary giveaway that ends December 14th.  It is going to be a special surprise. Just follow me and leave a comment. Nothing fancy or difficult to do. Just be a kind heart.


  1. Exquisite cup of tea, delicious pinks!

  2. Pink is my favorite color! I have pink paint ready for my bedroom, now delayed because my daughter and SIL are moving home. The house/room mate didn't work out in Thornton and they are coming tomorrow. I'm trying to wash the window screens and have at least their bedroom more comfortable than just coming for the weekend and trying to ignore all the stuff I stashed in their room for the time being! I rented a storage unit in our little town of Wiggins to help out in the meantime as the basement and garage are full. Do I have a lot of stuff? Do teachers? 40 years worth!! Oh my. I am getting better at sorting and actually discarding!♥♫

  3. I love to think pink! Sweet post with all the cute reminders! Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. Prayers for you and your family....this coming week!

  5. Hope the wallet was found:) Have a blessed and beautiful week dear friend, HUGS!

  6. I backed up on the blog, I enjoyed the reads. Especially the friends poem. THINK PINK, yeah even the male parto of the population can do that. PINK is specil, that is for sure.

    Also, thanks for the visit to the Shipslog and the sweet comment. Sending positive thoughts from Central florida!
    jack & Sherry

  7. Hello! Hello! Thanks so much for stopping by to say HI! And...your sweet comment about my hand made ornaments made my day! :)

    I'm so far behind...I'm still trying to get a pink Saturday post written!

    Have a great day!

  8. I am thinking pink. I'm even getting the energy to do a little shopping for decorations. Have a pretty in pink Saturday.

  9. Oh no! Praying he finds his wallet soon. We had a loved one lose his wallet this past summer - turned out to be a huge blessing in disguise in a couple of ways since it kept him from a long drive with a car that turned out to have a big problem. Easy to fix where it broke at - wouldn't have been if he'd been on a long empty road as planned. :) Have a blessed holiday weekend!

  10. Pink always makes us feel good! Sweet hugs, Diane

  11. I hope Nick finds his billfold. That is always upsetting and often it is found by an honest soul.

    I'm already thinking pink! The first of our Christmas trees is up, filled with vintage pink ornaments!

  12. I do love pink...but you knew that. lol
