
Monday, February 3, 2014

BlueMonday/Love is.../Prayer Request

There are lots of commercials about local law firms on the T.V. Some of them act real tough and scary so we love to joke about classes they took in college/law school, How to Be A Jerk 101, How To Intimidate People for Your Own Pleasure 102! My hubby is the master of silliness and often I find myself rolling on the floor! So this Love is...was a good one to share today. Marydon often shares her Love is....on Face Book.
Rebekah my middle daughter and my grandson Colton and I spent half a day at the Denver Zoo. They were rooting for the Broncos too. Sad as the loss was I am a tried and true fan. I enjoyed the singing of the National Anthem, Bruno Mars and the prayer circle at the end of the game with three players from the Denver Broncos led by a Seattle Seahawk.  I also enjoyed the reading of Our Constitution. But we had great fun at the zoo. It was cold outdoors but inside the different zoo houses we warmed up quickly. The Rain Forest is always fun because it is naturally humid inside and the colors are bright and beautiful.
These colorful frogs looked sticky but they almost looked like someone put a fresh coat of paint on each one. The frog on the branch was blue!
This striped fish was ready for a Bronco win too! But he was a good share for Sally and the Blue Crew.


I like to add a few prayer requests. So many asking for or needing prayer. Sandy, struggling with cancer. Amy recovering from a heart attack. Darren traveling home in unpredictable weather. Jeremy and Zach coming home from NYC tomorrow and lots of flights cancelled and weather turning wicked all over the place. Pray for a safe journey and flights able to leave LaGuardia. I always pray for weather. A nice answer to prayer for Nick. He ran at Texas Tech this weekend in Lubbock, Texas. He was not sure if he qualified in the 1000 meter but today he found out he did! We are excited for him. He will travel to NYC in March to run and fortunately with the wild weather everywhere it is indoor track! His qualifying time was 2:40:62 in the 1000 meter and he placed 20th. He felt his 3k run was terrible on Saturday but that Friday 1000 meter run clinched his spot on the Nationals. We are very proud.
My final blue tonight. This bedroom is so calm and sweet. I like the blue and crisp white. Say hi to Sally. Have a great weekend.


  1. Hi Anne,

    I like that blue bedroom and wish that I could take a nap right now!

  2. Good for Nick! Praying for all on your list this morning:)

    That bedroom is done in the colors I am using for the bridal shower I am hosting!

    Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Rain forest sounds neat.
    I love powder blue.

  4. After all the snow we have gotten - that rain forest sounds like a nice place to be!!

    Shame the Broncos didn't make much of a game of it - but hey.. they were in the Super Bowl and a lot of other teams weren't!!

  5. Just stopping by to say hello. And I love that bedroom - that is my favorite color. sandie

  6. Congrats to Nick!!! I love the blue room too. It has a very calm view.

  7. Congratualtions to your son. That's quite an achievement. As for the blue room, I love it, but I don't think my bedroom has ever looked quite this good. Hmmm, must be my housekeeping skills. The trip to the zoo sounded like a wonderful fun way to spend a day. I love the design of the dress you are thinking of for your anniversary. It's really quite flattering. Thirty years is quite a nice milestone. I'm wishing you both many more wonderful years together. As for all this wicked snow, I agree that Antarctica can have it all back. Please!!!!! You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  8. I thought of you when the Broncs were doing so bad. It is not easy playing against a young team that was determined to win. Stay well and warm.

  9. Just checkin' in with the Phamily ! Seems to be a lot going on. Praying always for traveling mercies and for all who need healing/comfort.
    YAY for your son !!!
    WARM regards,
