
Thursday, February 13, 2014

"M" is for Mercy

 If you look up the definition of the word "Mercy" you will find this

: Kind or forgiving treatment of someone who could be treated harshly

: Kindness or help given to people who are in a very bad way or in a desperate situation

: A good or lucky fact or situation

I was discussing Medicaid with another Alphabe Thursday player Judie ! The two of us can jump up on our soap box and share our opinion. Often other people don't like that! But as I thought about our health care system I thought "God have mercy on us"! There are no easy answers with health care and everyday I hear horror stories from our patients. But I believe we need to care for those in need of medical care, serious medical care. There is a saying out there:

It makes you stop and think. I will continue to pray for those suffering and hurting. The mental ill, the lonely, the dying, the homeless.

 I receive the Catholic newspaper because I am still on the mailing list. There was an article in there that hurt my heart because I already knew these facts but they are still so hard to understand! In Colorado 1 in 4 children are living in a food insecure household. Many families choose between  heat and food, medicine and food, transportation and food. A local program in the Denver Metro area is  called Totes of Hope. They provide tote bags filled with food that children pick up at the end of the week from volunteers. Hunger is such a severe problem that most of the families in need should have at least two totes per child. In 2011 one school was involved in the program. Today 14 schools are receiving help for 1,560 students. The totes contain 9-10 lbs. of  food including breads, crackers,  cereal, soup and canned fruit, vegetables and meats. The cost of one tote is two dollars!

I was very blessed to be raised in a  two parent phamily and had a father that worked in the steel mill so he made a decent income and we never went without food. My mother was a homemaker and we always had wonderful meals, three times a day. Very few people talk about this problem. Often you will hear people comment that perhaps if the parents weren't buying drugs or alcohol they could feed their kids! I just don't buy it. The jobs we have seen in our country in today's economy are menial, low paying, without benefits. You need two or three of them to  be able to pay the rent and often have to struggle with the decision of paying your utilities or feeding the kids. I talk with a lot of teachers who spend their own money to provide snacks for kids so they can pay attention in school.

Very few celebrities talk about this problem. I know of two, Nick Cannon, married to Mariah Carey. He grew up in poverty and Reese Witherspoon. She was raised in a comfortable lifestyle. Her father was a doctor.Many other celebrities like  Oprah and Bill Gates, don't feel the need to help people in this country but rather go into other countries. I am not saying we should not help anyone in need but I believe what the bible says,  1 Timothy 5:8 says "But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially members of his household, he is worse than an unbeliever."

I think everyone has to be responsible, our governments seems to shun this, and as Mother Teresa always said "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." She always said "Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home".

Our middle daughters friend spent time in Chile as she was studying for a degree in Spanish. She was amazed how people helped each other. When a major earthquake hit she helped build homes. She said they were small, like a one car garage and made of concrete and cinder block materials. She said the people getting the homes acted as if they were given a mansion! The country takes care of its own. During that earthquake, the leader of the country of Chile said they were capable of helping their own. You do not hear that enough  these days.

I was raised in a home where my fathers motto was this, "If you can't offer someone a  beverage and a bite to eat, than don't invite them into your home." My mother always had a full pantry. The fridge was full and we had a comfortable life considering how hard my dad worked and how different times were when I was a child. I had four older siblings and none of us ever suffered from hunger. I know I can't solve the troubling situations in our world but I can support programs that are working. During the Summer Adams 12 School District runs a program that provides free breakfast and lunch for kids and it offered at several local schools. Adams County, where I live, is one of the poorest counties in the Denver Metro area. But that my friends is a story for another time. Please visit Ms. Jenny and the players with Alphabe Thursday.

A quick note please pray also:

My sis just let me know that her kids Karla and Holly ask for prayer for their dad Bob who is hospitalized with a blood clot on the brain. Pray for Marydon's phamily and her sisters phamily during this difficult time  for the loss of her sister Carolyn. Prayers for Cindy who lost her mother at hospice last night. Pray for Susan who is dealing with her mothers stroke and having to make some very difficult decisions. Prayers for Rebecca's father Reverend William E. Elliott as he is in ICU at Mercy in OKC.  Pray for Mary and Becky as they struggle through the end of a cancer battle with their mom.


  1. I like your post and how we are called in the Bible to help our neighbors and strangers too. It is sad to think of hungry children, and good so many people and churches are helping feed them. I support a local church project where all the work is done by volunteers so there is no overhead.

  2. What a wonderful post. "To whom much is given, much is required..." One of the issues with keeping schools open in New York City is that for a large number of children, school is where they get two meals a day during the week. So many of the jobs that supported families when I was growing up no longer exist in the United States, and the remaining jobs don't supply the same benefits. Adding my prayers for the family and friends you wrote about.

  3. I agree that we should be taking care of our own before going outside our own country. One other group that can use a bit of help is all the shelters that are doing their best to tend to the animals. It's a heartbreaking job and not a very easy one. But our animals are God's creations too and deserve to be taken care of.

    Mercy is a good word, and I agree with your thoughts on the health care system. It's in a sad state. Now I think I'll chase a few dust bunnies around with the vacuum. I hear it's good exercise. lol. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  4. I feel so blessed when I read a Christian post, it is like having a mini bible study .
    Thank you so much God Bless

  5. I feel so blessed when I read a Christian post, it is like having a mini bible study .
    Thank you so much God Bless

  6. It bothers me that we waste so much of our money in places it's really not needed while we have children going hungry right here. What really fried me was the taking away of lunch from children whose lunch money hadn't been paid. Just snatched it out of their hands. GOOD GRIEF who could do that to a child? We really DID take God out of our schools didn't we. Sigh.

  7. I am praying for all of these in need of prayer! I know that there are SO many in need of food, love and prayers! Thank you for sharing this post from your heart:) We can all do small things that make big differences! BIG HUGS and continued prayers!

  8. What a thoughtful post. Charitable efforts (not the word I want to use, but hope you know what I mean) in this Country are so convoluted; one doesn't know what to believe anymore, or who to trust.
    I was shocked at the statistics. Regardless, what side of the aisle you sit, I challenge anyone not to be appalled by a child's hunger. Other efforts remain muddy (in my mind, that is). For instance? ...

    Our offices participated in an "angels" toy-drive before Christmas, and the generosity of our associates - some of who could least afford to give to a stranger's child - was overwhelming. Then, on the day the parents were due to come pick up the gifts (ya, I'm deliberately not naming the charity) I was so bummed to see lots of them (parents who'd asked for donations) driving up in BMW's and other luxury vehicles. Good grief.

    When all else fails and answers are difficult, you're right - let's pray.

    Sorry to be so mouthy!


  9. "be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" should be posted in every company's break room.
