
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Fun Facts About Me and Pinks to Share!

My friend Myra said I gave her an idea from Face Book that people share lots of interesting facts about themselves there. So she made a list of things about herself and I thought I would share some too.

I dislike elevators. I am terribly claustrophobic yet when we were in NYC I never flinched when we got on the elevator to zip up 120 floors to the top of the Empire State Building!

I was never claustrophobic until I had neurosurgeon many years ago.

My friend "Fred the Floater" hangs out in my left eye. I dislike him intensely. They tell me he is never leaving.

I faithfully read my bible daily. I surround myself with good things. I find comfort in them otherwise this world filled with wickedness would tear me down.

I would love to live on a property with acreage and keep lots of furry friends there with us.

I love to read and hate having poor eyesight. I don't want to have to trade my books in for audio tapes. I don't like someone else reading to  me.

I am addicted to pinterest. I love it there and sometimes I get so involved in my boards I forget to do other things!

I am one hundred percent left handed. My mother was left handed. She did everything left handed except write! They broke her in Catholic school. They couldn't break me, I vomited on them!

I like to sit next to my daughter  Noelle when we go out to eat. She is left handed too and we never bump elbows!

Two of my children inherited my bad bones. I inherited them from my mother! She had many wonderful qualities. I think being a people person is the only one I inherited from her.

A pink coffee cup for Beverly and the Pinkies! I love coffee and tea. But I prefer tea more. Now that the warmer weather will be here I love ice tea too.
How about a pink tutu for a kids table? I thought this was really sweet.
A pink toaster oven I saw at the thrift store.

Lots of pink blooms at the grocery store.
I love fresh flowers, especially with pink blooms.
I thought these garden chair pots were precious. Do you like the pink one? Orange? Green?

I hope you will visit both Myra and Beverly today.

Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes. ~Author Unknown


  1. I enjoyed learning so many personal things about you - I feel like I know you much better now. Thanks for the insight!

  2. Awww, thanks!:)

    You made me laugh out-loud, relating how you they wouldn't let you alone so you vomited on them. Way to go, Anne!!!!!

    Wish I was with you at that thrift store and could snatch that pink toaster oven for my friend in Florida. The kitchen and bathroom in her little house never enjoyed a facelift - they're still 'done' in pink and black. (Which she enjoys, thank goodness!)

    Have a great week, my friend!

  3. I'm not sure if I would have been able to ride an elevator up 120 floors! I guess if it went straight to the top without stopping. I think I have a fear of heights to some degree. My husband and kids don't and they climb a fire tower every year when we go to Canaan for vacation. I'm sure you already know it but we live on a farm in the middle of no where. We only have the 2 dogs but I did see 2 bunnies the size of cats last night and 2 squirrels the size of cats also! We have lots and lots of deer here also. I don't think I could ever go back to living in the city at all. Was at my mom's the past 2 days getting her plumbing fixed and it was so noisy I couldn't stand it. Plus you could ever hear her neighbor's phone ringing when I was outside. I didn't like the feeling I got that someone was watching me when I was outside. I could probably go out naked at my house and no one would see! lol Oh, and we are flooded in right now and we are supposed to get 2 to 4 inches of snow tonight! Then Monday it is supposed to be 70 degrees outside again! Strange weather!

  4. I loved reading more about you!!! I love to read too!!

  5. don't mind elevators but I don't think I'd ride one as far as you did ... heights do me in !
    Started life as a leftie too but they did break me of writing with my left hand...loved learning more about you (())

  6. I so enjoyed learning more about you dear friend. I from my Aunt Doris who read ALL THE TIME, it was heartbreaking when she developed severe catarats in her older years and she struggled with her books. I think I would like a tuutuu table in my craft room!!! Have a wonderful week.

  7. It was fun learning more about you. I love your pinks.

  8. Waves at you with left hand - (it feels odd since I am 100% rightie!)
