
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Back in Time

There is  a song, an oldie but a goodie, when C/W singer Don Williams was part of the American folk music movement in the 60's. He was part of the singing group, Pozo Seco Singers. They sang a song called "Time". Here are the lyrics, but go to and give a listen! I think you will like it!

Some people run, some people crawl,
Some people don't even move at all
Some roads lead forward some roads lead back
Some roads are bathed in light, some wrapped in fearful black

Time oh time where did you go
Time oh good, good time where did you go

Some people never get, some never give
Some people never die and some never live
Some folks treat me mean, some treat me kind
Most folks just go their way, don't pay me any mind

Time oh time where did you go
Time oh good, good time where did you go

Sometimes I'm satisfied, sometimes I'm not
Sometimes my face is cold, sometimes it's hot
Sunset I laugh, sunrise I cry
At midnight I'm in between and wondering why

Time oh time where did you go
Time oh good good time where did you go

Time oh time where did you go
Time oh good good time where did you go

Time moves swiftly. I look around and I see how things have changed in our world, in our phamilies. I always long for those simplier times. So I am sharing a few favorite phamily photos here:
My fourth grade confirmation. Do you dig that 60's hairdo? My folks were so proud of me.
Hannah and Rebekah at Hannah's second grade First Communion. They are standing in the garden dedicated to the Lord's mother Mary at their former parochial school. Hannah and several other phamily girls wore my first communion veil.
A favorite basketball photo of Nick from his basketball days at middle school.
Nick recently at his schools Sports Banquet with Molly. He will have so many precious memories.

1 Timothy 3:5  

For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church? 

Enjoy your day!



  1. You folks are STILL proud of you - and justifiably so, too.

  2. another very loving post ~ song and photos ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol, (A Creative Harbor)

  3. I love the lyrics and the sweet photos you have shared today! Time does pass much too quickly - my Mr. and I are feeling the years passing by. But with all those years, we build a loving library of precious memories. That's the best part.
    Hugs xo Karen

  4. I remember that song,Anne! What great old pictures. You were darling and so are the kids following you- xo Diana

  5. Love the entry. Also the pictures. Oh and the old ones especially, of course I am stuck back in the past. LOL. I can reminesce in a minute.

    From North Carolina

  6. OK, so I had a challenge or two trying to get Pozo Seco to play on YouTube ... but sooooo worth it! I can't recall having heard it before; but for sure, I won't be forgetting its message. (Ya, that's a tear in my eye.

    Love the picture of a 6th-grade YOU!

    Thanks for keeping me grounded, in those things that matter most!

  7. What a wonderful, happy share of memories down memory lane...AND those memories made today.

  8. sigh, I remember simpler times. It's good to have those memories.
