
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Naughty Kitten, The Grace of God and More Phamily News

This is actually a distance runner quote, but if you knew Mr. Tiger, our kitten, oh Lord, why do you insist on giving me more grey hair than I want?
Saturday May 3rd was our 30th wedding anniversary. We had to keep it low key because of Jeremy's sudden surgery and a number of other  life issues! So we started out having lunch with three of our kids, Jeremy, Noelle and Hannah and grandson Colton. We were treated to a nice meal at the Texas Roadhouse. We watched the Kentucky Derby, rooted for California Chrome owned by blue collar folks) and we getting ready to enjoy our pretty anniversary cake with the phamily. Rebekah came running up the stairs, telling her dad not to let me down there but he had to come see what was wrong with the kitty!
My boy Boots was born on our wedding anniversary 16 years ago. I lost him March 16, 2012, Rose's birthday two years ago. I did not need anymore feline sadness. Hannah had lost precious Roxanne on November 3, 2013 to cancer and we were at the end of our ropes!
Although this kitty looks quite sad, when I heard our kitten was ill, I thought don't do this to me again so soon Lord, please no more sorrow no more death!
Sleepy kitty, sleepy kitty. Ah,  why couldn't he sleep? No he has to roam around until he gets into so much mischief! When my hubby went downstairs he was sadly lying on the bed with a disgusting foul smiling sticky gel like liquid drooling out of his mouth. He was pale and when I went to him, he looked up at  me with  the most pathetic "Meow"! Jeremy had gone to watch his buddies play their final touch football game so he and his best bud the Bird came rushing room. They took Mr. Kitty to the emergency vet along with my hubby.

A calm kitty. I love when he is sweet and easy. Most times he is terrorizing the red dot with my hubby! The two of them are wicked together! After $347 worth of IV's, medications and one very expensive call to Poison Control, they determined he bit into an electrical cord! So home he came, worn out but very sleepy and very angry that that shot him full of drugs! He slept for the entire night at my feet and woke up Sunday morning to eat his regular food. When I gave him the super deluxe, soft food, he pooh poohed it, walked over to his regular dish and dug in! He is one tough kitty. Having survived this and his first birthday (April 30) I am wanting to enjoy many years of good days with this furry friend. He gave us quite a scare.

I needed this Saturday. God has been at my side through all the days of my life. I know He will always be there for me.

I try not to doubt but when that kitten was so sick, my mind raced and I was thinking, why is he going to be taken from me? I never expected such a miracle. It was a miracle that little dickens survived!
Wednesday morning, the hubby and I will be traveling down the road to Kansas. Nick will be finished with his second year of college and we get to collect him and all his things. It will be a quick trip. He has class until 1:30 Thursday afternoon and the hubby can not take the entire day off on Friday so we have to drive 9 hours back  and get a little rest before heading to work at noon on Friday. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated. Once Nick gets home he will talk with the surgeon about his leg surgery and get back on the road to recovery for a new school year at a new college.  Hopefully he will have news for us when we get to his school on Wednesday afternoon. My hubby likes to drive with the help of his favorite McDonald's iced coffee. We stop at so many McDonald's for this caffeine jolt  I'd say we need stock in the company, but McDonald's is starting to bring their meat from China so no thank you! I will enjoy an order of french fries or a yogurt parfait otherwise I steer clear of them.
A thoughtful verse from the Book of Romans. It is something my father talked about in his life. Trust God, let go of the ways of this world. In the end He will prevail.

Before I close, please pray for the five year old daughter of Edgar and Amanda. Caroleena "Leena" is once again hospitalized. This GI business is getting so difficult for the whole phamily. The hospital removed her appendix, three weeks ago, one week ago, her gall bladder. Yet she is back in the hospital and seeing a team of G.I. specialists again. The pain is hard for the parents to bear, to see their child suffering so much. Please continue to pray for her. Enjoy the week and thank you all for the kind words, thoughts and prayers for Jeremy. He was released to go back to work tomorrow so pray he has a good interview for the new job he would like to have.
Finally please pray for my sweet friend  Lavoice. She became very ill last week and they are having a tough time diagnosing what is wrong. If you would like to send a card to her contact me at my e mail so I can pass her address on to you. Thank you.
For my sweet friend LaVoice who I had the pleasure of meeting a few years ago. She is an absolute delight.


  1. Praise God for taking care of your precious kitty. Praying over all of your prayer needs, love you.

  2. Thanking God 'Mr. Tiger' is recovering nicely! Sometimes (well, MOST times) I think I'm too old to be a 'puppy momma.' I just worry so much, you know?

    Prayers for your safe journey tomorrow and a sweet reunion with Nick!

  3. So glad your prayers were answered for your sweet kitty! Wishing you safe travels and sending along sweet prayers that all will be well with your loved ones. xo Karen

  4. I'm so glad to hear that your kitty is on the mend now. It is really heartbreaking when our fur babies are sick. I'm wishing you a safe journey when you go to pick up your son. I hope he gets the job he's applying for. I did send a card to Miss Lavoice, and hope that soon the doctors will be able to diagnose her problem. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  5. So happy kitty survived the electrical shock and sending prayers your way. Hope the surgery goes well.

  6. So glad your cat is okay, and I hope your son's surgery goes well, too.

    Prayer is a wonderful blessing.


  7. Happy Anniversary! I am glad all is well with your cat!

  8. Just stopped by to thank you for your visits and thoughtful always make my day!. Keeping you and yours...felines my thoughts and prayers, and wishing you a peaceful Mother's Day Weekend.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

  9. Happy (belated) anniversary! So sorry for all the kitty sadness you have experienced. It's amazing how attached we can get to our furry friends! What a blessing that your kitty survived the ordeal (aaack...the bill from the vet!) and that he is good as new. :) Many Blessings, Camille

  10. Oh goodness. Tiger really gave you a scare!
