
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Love is.../Happy Anniversary Blue Monday/ Happy Labor Day

I am a lover of the sweet cartoon Love is... I have many of these and even a tiny book filled with these cute little quips! This one is very special to me. My phamily will always pray for each other and often I will ask one of them, did you pray for your sister/brother? I know I ask for a lot of prayer and right now someone in my phamily is going through a real difficulty. I would appreciate prayer. It is a real heartbreaking situation and I don't want to burden anyone here. I just want to ask for prayer. Thank you.
I thought these "Sky Parfaits" were so sweet. Jell-O comes in so many different flavors and this pretty blue Jell-O mixed with whipped cream makes a pretty sky effect! They will hopefully make Sally smile on this 6th anniversary day of Blue Monday!
I am going to make myself a pin board. This one is cute with some touches of blue. I want to make one and add lots of different expressions I collect and keep this at my office so I will always have something to smile at or remain positive with. I will share a few of those here:
I prefer to drink Sleepy Time tea rather than count sheep. They don't seem to help me and I am not sure how close the nearest sheep farm is!
Laughing Out Loud! I love Sylvester. He is a sly one! I was thinking of this when we returned from our trip to Las Vegas. The most horrible man was sitting next to me on the plane. He was talking on a phone rather loudly and cursing! When the flight was taking off the attendant had to make him hang up that phone! As we were landing he started up again except whomever he called, he said "You know I never use profanity, blah blah blah". The entire plane full of passengers wanted to toss this man off the plane!As we exited the plane all I could think of was ," this guy is a liar and I would love to see his pants catch on fire"! A co worker of my hubby's was on that flight and he was at the very back of the plane. He said he asked an attendant on the flight why no one was stopping this rudeness! He also spoke to an airline rep. when we landed in Denver! Perhaps the jerk had friends in high places. Who knows, but he was an awful passenger!
This one is just self explanatory. I hope you enjoyed my touches of blue and my thoughts today. Visit  Sally and share your favorite blue too!


  1. Hi Anne,

    I prayed for your family while I read your post.

    What a terrible flying companion you had! (He cursed a BLUE streak!)

    The time I was in the hospital (for 70 days!) was June-August, 2011. What a trial. Many prayed for me. Thanks for remembering.

    Thanks for your nice wishes and for sharing your blues.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday!

  2. What a lovely post and I love the jokes. I hope everything will get better for you.Happy blue Monday

  3. Love all your jokes and quotes for today! It took me a minute to realize what it was.... but that little boy and his dog are sparkling! I thought my eyes were betraying me at first!! Hmmm, Sylvester always has a good comeback! Maybe somebody needs to invent "catch on fire if you lie" pants LOL! I LOVE those blue parfaits! I haven't eaten Jello in a hundred years but I just may have to visit the Jello aisle after seeing those!!

  4. It's a terrible thing to have to drive that long to count sheep, funny!! I so hope things get better soon, I will pray for your family.

  5. Aren't they thinking about making it possible for people to use their phones during flights? Wouldn't that be horrible? It's bad enough when the plane is at the gate. What's wrong with some people?

    I'm saying a prayer for your family member.

  6. Happy Blue Monday, Anne! Sending some positive thoughts and energy your phamily's way :) Hope you'll have a wonderful week. Blue Monday hugs from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  7. I'm sending a prayer for your family. Hope all is well soon. I just love the Sylvester cartoon. I agree,I don't like sitting next to rude passengers on a plane.

    That blue Jello is making me hungry. I have a box of it on my pantry shelf, so I think I'll make it up as soon as I finish this comment.

    You have a wonderful night, hugs, Edna B.

  8. Hi Anne, I am finally visiting today. We have been on a garage cleaning frenzy. We do not have a basement so our garage is a catch all. Bill is building shelves to hold bins. Not done yet.

    I am praying for your family member Anne. I believe in prayer.

    It is nice that you have been able to visit some blog friends. I have loved meeting several at different times. It means a lot.

    Your post is full of fun and I too love some good cartoons.

    The guy on the phone was very rude. Especially annoying on a flight. Yikes.

    Have a wonderful week Anne.
    xo Jeanne

  9. Ann,
    Great Blues!! Love the Pin Board! Thanks for the inspiration and for your sweet visit!!


  10. A lovely Labor Day tribute, Miss Anne - and the Dr. King quote is my favorite! Oh! If everyone adopted such an old fashioned work ethic in these current days. My poor hubby sticks out like a sore thumb working among a bunch of young folk in a retail environment who never learned to connection between the words excellence and work, and the deep satisfaction in knowing one has blessed God by using their gifts to the best of their ability.

  11. I am sending out prayers for you and your family. Love all the quotes, but sorry for your rude passenger. Didn't you just want to scream in his ear - 'I can hear you!'? Hope all turns out well for your loved one's difficulty. Hugs xo Karen

  12. Goodness, imagine all the fires if Sylvester got his wish? :)
