
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Love is.../Blue Monday/ Some Giveaway Winners!

We are exhausted! Our trip has wound down and we are home again. Tired but happy. Enjoyed some wonderful times with Nick and watched him run his best XC race this season! Saw Linda and met her face to face along with her sweet man and their beautiful daughter. Such a joyful time. More stories later. Sharing a favorite Love is...passion drives us because we have to be in tune to each other and these are the moments I treasure. My sweet hubby is sleeping soundly. I was tuckered out and missed the best half of the Bronco game today. LOL! So while he rests, I will finish my post and tell you who won the giveaway I shared.
Nick kicked it up in his hot pink compression socks and passed six other runners at the end of his race to take 20th. His team did not make it to Nationals but they ran well and considering the brutal cold wind, everyone had great times! There were 100 runners! Coach says we have to come back for indoor track as Nick ran his best race of the season!

The vibrant blue sky highlighted the race because the wind was cold and really wild! Nick's passion for running came shining through yesterday! He kicked it up at the end to finish well. He has been involved in a bible study, attending church with these kids and studying hard. It was nice to see him give his all.

I thought Sally and the Blue crew would like the blue skies over Kansas.
Ok, now I had this blogaversary giveaway and I always send surprises so here is the list of my three winners:

1) Joy H

2) Linda at A La Carte

3)Theresa at They Call Me Ganky

Thanks everyone who commented and who follows me! I appreciate your love and support. Ladies send me your addresses so I can send off your gifts.


  1. Happy 5 years of blogging, Anne! Congratulations to your son for his excellence in running. Happy Blue Monday!

  2. Thank you Anne! I am so excited to be in the list of winners:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Quite a race blessed with a blue sky. Congratulations to your son, and happy 5th year blogversary.

  4. Hi Anne,

    What a beautiful sky Kansas offered for Nick to run under. I'm so glad you got to be there to witness his run.

    Thanks for sharing this pretty blue present.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday!

  5. So happy for Nick and his great race! I am so honored to be a winner in your giveaway! Thank you sweet Anne!


  6. Congratulations to Nick. I just love those blue skies over Kansas. It sounds like you had an awesome vacation.

    The skies here are beautiful and blue today too. We have a couple more days of super weather before the cold sets back in. Hope your day is great too. Hugs, Edna B.

  7. Glad you had a good, safe trip. In your part of the world, lots of pretty blue skies around. Trust you do not have a bad winter.

  8. Congrats to the winners!
    Happy to hear Nick enjoyed a great win. You and Avery had to have been bustin' your buttons! :)

  9. Love your pretty pictures...congrats to all the fun.

  10. Congrats to Nick!!!

    And to the giveaway winners!!!

  11. Congratulations to the winners of your give away. Ans happt blogaversary. 5 years , well done.
