
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"O" is for Oldies But Goodies

I was a small child in the 1950's! The biggest recollection for me was the birth of my parents first born grand child, a boy no less! Butting in my business, trying to steal my crown from me! Oh, I remember the day they brought him to our house. He was so cute and small! Argh....making me mad! I was, after all, the youngest, the baby, the apple of my father's eye!

You can see that I was not a very happy camper when this fellow bolted into my world! My nephew Gary and I are five years apart! He is a wonderful guy but when he was a baby and later a rotten boy terrorizing me, I was not a fan of his! Check out those snazzy drapes my mama had! I think they were a 1950's staple and I would love to have them today! Memories.....
How about this 57 Chevy! It was a smooth ride. My father was a steel worker so all the cars he owned were made in the USA. Something unheard of today!
Myself with my parents, I was about three in this photo. Check out those dungarees! Woot Woot! My mother always wore a dress, it was a sign of the times. I fondly recall that tree behind us. There were two, one on  each side of the front lawn! My father cared for them so meticulously , I was sad when they were taken out after his untimely passing.
Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. ~Leroy "Satchel" Paige

I hope you enjoyed my tour of oldies but goodies. Please visit Ms. Jenny and join other Alphabe Thursday participates.


  1. Love the memories! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Tee hee. Memories of childhood! I agree that if you age doesn't bother you than it doesn't matter. ;)

  3. Wonderfully nostalgic post for 'O' ~ and loving post and photos!

    Happy Day to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. Love these old photos, Anne! Truly, I was a little sad not to see more! :)

    Simpler times - and I suspect, nicer in the way folks treated one another. (Now who's feeling nostalgic? LOL)

    That expression on your face (next to Gary) just cracks me up!

  5. Anne, we're like fine wines we get better with age. Great nostalgic post, the '50's rocked!

  6. I love those pictures of her childhood, were you a pretty girl!

  7. Great post! I remember the 50's well so I guess I'm increasing in value also!

  8. Love looking back at family photos and even find myself picking up a few at antique stores. There is always a story there and often times, just figuring out what that might be is half the fun. Plus fashions were so apparent in some.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  9. Oh, this is a touching, fun and perfect post for us gals born in the 50's. Best time ever and just look at these photos-I have many black and white photos of the good old days about the house-they make me so happy!

  10. I enjoyed seeing your B&W photos. I was a small kid in the 1950s, too. So, now I'm thinking back. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  11. What a delightful post. I LOVE that photo of you expressing your less-than-pleasure at having to share the spotlight. LOL.


  12. I was a child of the 50's also and how I long for those good pure days of safety and morals

    You was a cutie

  13. I loved your oldies! I have our family pictures and enjoy looking back thru them from time to time! My Brother has a classic '55 Chevy and it is awesome! Old things are just the best, even pictures! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  14. Love that picture of you and your nephew - You sure do not look happy! :) Wonder what color those curtains were? I like them too!

  15. You were such a cute little girl!!

