
Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I hope you will visit our wonderful teacher Ms. Jenny and share something sassy, silly, sorrowful or filled with sentiment!
I was sorting photos today. I found this one from 2006. My sweet hubby looks so youthhful with his oldest daughter Noelle. I am a sentimental person. She has the best smile.
My mom was smiling from ear to ear while holding Jeremy when he was just a tiny baby. He will turn 30 this year. Where has time gone?

We are always smiling because we have such a special relationship. If you can laugh in the face of your troubles you will always be a survivor.
My father-in-law Carl was a kind heart. He treated me like a daughter and I always loved that he supported me. He is admiring Rebekah, who turns 27 this year!

Hannah was enjoying spending her sisters birthday with Tweety Bird! She was a quiet child, not so much these days! A young woman who speaks her mind! She said no one likes you when you're 23 so at 24 I am sure she will have some fans! Wink Wink!
Nick was a serious baby. He has certainly outgrown that these days! He is running a half marathon this week. He will turn 22 this August and always makes us proud.
Always  make time for those children. They need you more than they need things.
Even Scripture promotes children. No matter where they go in life as long as they have had a proper upbringing and good role models than we always come back full circle.


  1. I am sure it is bittersweet for you to look at, and post, some of those pictures, Anne. I love that one of you and your hubby. You look like you "fit" together perfectly. Hope you have a great night- I loved your trip down memory lane here. xo Diana

  2. Beautiful photos! Excellent, laughter is a good partner in this life!

  3. Keep those olden photos coming, Anne! Love seeing your babies. The expression on Rebekah's face in her little blue pumpkin seat just cracks me up.

  4. It's nice to get those photos out of the box and revisit those happy times.

  5. I have been enjoying old photos too! ALWAYS great to remember those days! Have a blessed day dear Anne, HUGS!

  6. It's always fun to go through old family photos... even if you do get a bit teary-eyed! That Barbara Johnson quote is so true!

  7. Wonderful post, Anne. So true about being part of our children's lives. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  8. Love the walk down memory lane. You're right about smiling/laughter. It IS the best medicine!

  9. I love all the family photos - I think the one with Hannah beaming that super smile is my favorite!

  10. beautiful children and memories! Oh yes! They do grow up so fast!

  11. Because the photo in your header always wondered what you looked like in reality, and I hadn't expected a blonde:):) Good to see your face, Ann!
