
Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day/ Everyday Living/Memories/Aw...Monday's/Love is...

This google image by Eric Haggart depicts "Old Glory" flying high.  It is always easy to find some blue for Blue Monday with Sally and the Blue Crew.
Always a tough day for me. I start to remember those we gave so much especially my grandmother's cousin Frances who gave her only son Bruce who died in WWII in a submarine. Because I am uncertain of the spelling of his last name, I am not having any luck finding him on the WWII Wall. I often thought how sad for a mother to send her only child off to war and never have him return.She along with 400,000 families who lost loved ones in WWII.
My nephew Ed was at the Traveling Vietnam wall last week in his hometown in Kentucky. He took this photo of my mom's cousin Hedwig's only son James L. Turner. He died in Vietnam in 1968. It still hurts my heart to this very day.
This is the late dad of my nieces Karla and Holly. Their dad Bob served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. He passed away last year and my niece Holly let me use this image on my blog. Thanks Holly.

 My late brother-in-law served twenty seven years in the US Army. My nephew Ed made sure his dad had a proper military burial.

 The GreatWar 1914-1918

In Flanders Fields

by John McCrae, May 1915
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

A favorite poem.

Remember those who served, those who never returned and those who remain today. Please never forget.
My middle Rebekah with her pretty hair. Thank you to Hannah her baby sister for the nice style. We all enjoyed a huge barbeque for Jeremy and Brittany and Addy's house warming yesterday. Rebekah is cute with her blue jean jacket.

Tiny girl before her hair makeover.
A flashback photo of Mr. Kitty in his naughty stage. He was a terror! "hey, who made this mess mom, not me?" Visit Sandee and Michael for Aw...Monday. I put this photo up but know you will read my Memorial Day post too.
I could not leave without sharing a Love is...

I hope you will visit each and everyone who participated today in these wonderful shares.


  1. Hello Anne, l'm sure it is a tough day for you and you remember so well in this interesting and special post on what Memorial Day means to your family, Glad you had a fun house warming.
    Wren x

  2. A lovely tribute.
    I remember many years ago watching the Rembrance Day ceremony here in Canada and a soldier saying if we forget it will happen again. With so much going on in the world it is good every time we remember because I think he is right.
    Have a lovely week.

  3. Blessings to all of those who lost loved ones and to all who are serving today! Sending HUGS your way this morning!

  4. Nice to visit and learn what you and family are doing. Stay in touch and pray the floods slow down here.

  5. I salute all the vets in your family.

    I am reminded of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address...

    "But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract."

  6. It seems each year I feel Memorial Day more acutely ... suppose that's on account I'm getting older? I can't even fathom losing a loved one on the battlefield, and feel so humbled by their sacrifice.

    But(!), way to cheer us up with the pictures of pretty Rebekah and your stinkin' hilarious Mr. Kitty!

  7. I know this was a hard weekend for you, Anne. I am so sorry for you/your family. Your girls are just darling. I hope that you have a great week ahead of you. If you get a chance to pop by - I wrote a book---yes-I-did! lol xo Diana

  8. Congratulations for this beautiful hair, beautiful photos!

  9. Hi! Nice post. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I love your Memorial Day dedication. My family is also very patriotic. We have lost many of our family members in order to preserve our freedoms and protect this great country.

    Mr. Kitty put a huge smile on my face. Oh the joys of "kittyhood". I read your poem "In Flanders Fields" a couple of times. It's one of my favorites.

    My youngest grandson graduates June 6. The amazing thing is that I too, graduated on June 6. Although mine took place 58 years ago. My goodness, it doesn't seem possible that so many years have slipped by while I've been busy taking care of life.

    In three years, the last of my grandchildren will graduate, and by then, there may be great grandchildren in junior high and high school. I think I'll stop right here before I get any older. haha.

    You have a wonderful day. Hugs, Edna B.

  11. Anne I know I was supposed to be reading A is for authors from the link up but I caught this post and just loved it. I lived in Belgium from 2004 to 2010 and our family made a special trip from there to the Somme fields to see where my grandfather was buried. We also went to the Menin Gate. My sister and I had taken our mum some years back and it was a very emotional visit because her dad had died at the battle of the Somme just 11 days before she was born. When we all went for our trip it was again emotional as mum is no longer with us but my sister and I were so happy to share it all with our husbands and children.

  12. I love the photo of the kitten, a bright contrast to the seriousness of your blog post.
