
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Pink Saturday/Spiritual Sunday/ Wedding Memories/ Good Fences/Love is.../Blue Monday

 I have been all mixed up this week! Since  Jeremy and Brittany closed on their house Wednesday and starting moving we all pitched in. Except my hubby who was working 17 long hours of overtime from Wednesday through this Saturday! The money is good but he is exhausted. I am beat. Jeremy's new place has small stairs but lots of them and my legs are tired. So I am going to share with lots of great people participating in Pink Saturday as well as Spiritual Sunday. 
So much going on today in our world. I thought the pink highlights on this beautiful verse from Corinthians would sum it all up especially the difficult week for Baltimore, Nepal and all law enforcement across the country and elsewhere.
Thirty one years ago today, May 3rd, we were married. Ah...the years have flown by. Today when Jeremy stopped by to pick up a casserole dish he needed to make his weekly chicken dish, I thought, why are the kids all leaving, why did they grow up so fast? I miss them,  and at one time Jeremy spent a lot of time with us, and that will be no more. But Nick comes home Tuesday. More on Kansas later in my post.
This was Mother's Day 2014. It was cold and rainy and we were taking a few photos before the kids went out later that evening.
A wonderful expression of marriage, at least our marriage, it has been successful! The photo was taken in October 2013 at a friends wedding.
A snowy fence day. Hopeful, since this was a few weeks ago, the snow will leave and not return until next Winter. Stop by Good Fences  and join all the cool folks who post their favorite fence fines.
I can't have a good Sunday without my Love is...share. Today I have two for you. In honor of my Sweets and our wedding anniversary.

Our anniversary was wonderful today. After church two of our daughters, Rebekah and Hannah took us to the French Press Cafe for breakfast along with my brother-in-law John and Rebekah's beau Zach and his friend John.Bananas Foster French at first bite!

Our daughter Noelle and son-in-law Roger took us to the Red Lobster for dinner. I captured a shot of this painting with blue highlights for Sally and the Blue Crew! I hope you will notice other blues throughout this post.
The road to Boulder is fun because a hike awaits us. Rebekah and I took Noelle last week and we were stuck in a long congested mess of "gawkers" watching some construction so I took this photo as we were at a full stop.

Some blue skies filled the view looking down into Boulder from the hiking trail.

My goodness the sky was so brilliant on Wednesday! Here we are looking up from the trail.
Ah....trees, right where I love to see them, in a wooded area in the foothills of Boulder.
A view from the trail. It was quite warm, in the 70's so we were getting a real workout.
Something for everyone, Peggi, a high school friend from Face Book shared this and I wanted to share it with you.
I thought both of these were perfect all around.  You are enough is perfect because we are in a study at church called Transit. No matter what we do, God will not love us more or less, He will always love us and He loves us all the same. I think we can relate to these words in most life situations. Sometime we think we need to impress more,have more, do more, yet we often don't know the things in our lives that are so important. I have a hard time relating to all the different tragedies in this country recently and also the natural disasters happening at every turn. Well many want to share their opinion, tell everyone how things should be, why their opinion only matters,  I personally just want to get closer to God and keep trusting Him for all my needs. I am not an eloquent writer, a great theologian but I love the Lord with a great passion and fail Him every day. Yet I get up and try to be a better person each day. I can only be responsible for myself my sinful nature. But I will always share with anyone interested in listening to what God can offer them.
Last week our daughter Noelle took a call at work, where someone lost both of their sons in a car accident. This share is perfect for husbands and wives but we should also use it in our daily lives. 
Ephesians 4:26. Enough said.
 This beautiful Scripture is on the wedding photo/certificate of my parents . Through the years we have had to share many losses, sorrows, joys and helped each other through difficulties we each faced.

I hope the Pinkies and Blue Crew find lots of pink here and I am hoping some Good Fence folks like my choice today.

In closing I want to ask for prayer as we travel, on Tuesday to pick up Nick at college in Kansas. Hannah is going along with us and the extra company will be wonderful.


  1. Congratulations! May 5th for us.
    Very good reminders throughout your post.

  2. Hi Anne,

    Whew . . . take a breath. You must be tired with all the extra work of the move. Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Anne-versary!

    Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

  3. You said pt all today. I loved hearing about you and family. Wishing you the best in the days ahead. Take care my friend.

  4. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby. I love your photos. You both look the same today as you did in your wedding photo.

    Your scenery is just beautiful. I can't wait to get out again with my camera to take some new photos. Pogo and I have been stuck in the house for too long. Maybe another week or two will have us up and running again.

    It is sad when the babies have all grown up and start leaving the nest. At least you have each other though. Next come the grandchildren and if you're very lucky, the great grandchildren. This too can be a very rewarding time in our life.

    My youngest grandchild (Jazzy) will graduate high school in three years, and by then my eldest great grandchild (Hailey) will be entering High School. Yes, life can be very good in our later years.

    Well, now I think I'm about ready for a little nap. You have a wonderful day. Again, Happy Anniversary. Hugs, Edna B.

  5. Happy Anniversary!

    Once your "nest is empty" you need to remember something - you did an awesome job raising wonderful children and letting the world "have them".


  6. It is a difficult time in our nation now and we must stand up for what's right. Your verse is spot on. All the scenery is gorgeous, the trail looks inviting. Congrats on the monumental anniversary--sounds like your kids really showed their appreciation.

  7. Good luck on your travels, will be praying for you. Have a fun and safe trip!

  8. What, just 31 years later and the two of you still look so fab! Of course, what's more important than a pretty face is the great example you[re setting for your kiddos.

    The bananas foster french toast sounds so wonder-FULL! If I were to eat that I'd probably waddle out to the car and fall sound asleep. And what do you do, but go climb mountains! These pictures from your hike make me want to up and move to Colorado!

    Loving the 'enough' quote. I'm so glad you chose to share it, so it might touch my heart. I'm reluctant to put stuff out on FB (many of my colleagues and corporate acquaintances are on my friends' list), bu m workdays are becoming more and more difficult.

    Prayers are being lifted for you safe journey to and from Kansas!

  9. Dang ... I need to remember to proof before hitting the 'publish' button! Sorry for the typos, but hopefully my intent came through!

  10. Beautiful post, I LOVE BOULDER:) Have a blessed day, sending prayers for safe travels! HUGS!

  11. Well, Happy Anniversary.

    These are lovely places. Have a wonderful weekend.

    I wish you more fun traveling in the coming years. :)

  12. Today is Mother's Day. Have a beautiful day my friend. I hope your trip is coming along nicely. Hugs, Edna B.

  13. Today is Mother's Day. Have a beautiful day my friend. I hope your trip is coming along nicely. Hugs, Edna B.

  14. Loved reading this post! That scenery is heart throbbing. Well, I am not married yet but going to be pretty soon. We have been looking for some good Chicago Wedding Venues that will fit in my budget. I wonder if anyone of you can provide some suggestions!
