
Sunday, July 5, 2015

More Birthday Wishes/Good Neighbors/ Aw...Monday

When I was writing my birthday post for my brother Ed born on July 5th, my sister reminded me that our aunt Anna Skender who was one of the five sisters my dad had also shared that July 5th birthday! So although I am a day late I will wish my Auntie in heaven a very happy and heavenly birthday as well.

I have a really lovely image of Anna Kocman's wedding photo to John Skender but I need to crop it before I can put it up. I had company this evening, my girlfriend Bonnie, I had not seen in a long while and her little grandson Jeremiah! So I will share lots of the phamily photos I have as these days go by. I did want to share that my cousin Savanah told me that her grandma Angela Kocman-Medved worked at the National Broom Company. It is good to add these notes to our history because we can piece the picture together more easily that way. Thank you Savanah.
Here are some great Bojon neighbors. Growing up we had the best neighbors, Annie Miklich and her brother Stan lived next door to us. Here is a photo from 1985 with Annie and Stan and our first born son Jeremy. Annie worked in the food service for the Colorado State Hospital and I use to ask her why she was not afraid to work there. She always said the people at the CSH were getting some rest and relaxation. It was people outside those hospital walls we have to been wary of! Stan was a wonderful gentleman and although he never married he was a kind heart and he was partially paralyzed during the war. He could not bend over but he never complained about his disability. Their younger sister ran an Italian restaurant and Annie taught me how to make the handmade noodles from scratch. I still remember the ravioli the best and they always tasted so delicious.
My friend Karen Mesojedic-Clark grew up in this house in Bojontown. Her dad was from the old country, born in Yugoslavia, and he kept their yard as neat as a pin. His grass was beautiful like a lush green carpet. Karen was the youngest of three girls and she and her mother would do battle each and every morning. My mom drove, her mom did not, so my mom often drove us to school in cold weather. Karen's mom would chase her around the dining room table, which sat in front of that large window and my mom and I would get a kick out of them! Once Karen slid under her bed to get away from her mom and Olga, her mother, grabbed a broom and kicked Karen back into play! Her mother was very strong willed and I think Karen was much more strong willed. She hated waking up in the morning and getting ready for school. Different times, but good memories.
This was the Mramor's house on Bohmen Street next door to our grandparents home. Teddles lived there later in his life with his sister Elsie.They were very similar to Annie and Stan Miklich. Teddles was in WWII with his brother Felix and they were in the Death March at Bataan . Teddles was a great storyteller but he only told us that he was there. His brother came home and ended his life. He just did not wish to remember the atrocities of war. Elsie and Teddles were single siblings and they took good care of each other.  That house beings back a lot of good memories for me. Good neighbors were common in Bojontown.
This house at 625 E. Arroyo Avenue was found on the for sale sites. I am trying to place this house and who lived there. If you know please refresh my memory. It almost reminds me of the Lepik home when I was a kid.
Here is Saint Mary's Catholic Church. We grew up in this church. We attended Mass there several times a week during our school years and many phamily members were married, baptized and buried from this church. I use to love listening to the church bells ringing. Between those bells and the whistle blowing at the CF&I you get use to the sounds and when they are silenced it is sad. I felt like a part of my life was taken away. All the little things add up to much bigger things. They become so important in our daily lives. I will always miss those bell ringing and the whistle blowing. Good times, very good times.
This is a sad photo for me. My dad built our home in 1946, the year my brother Eddie was born. It was sold to an outsider in 2003 and they have not taken care of our home the way my dad did. I am not sure how they tore the gate off the hinges on the front yard but my folks would flip if they saw this horrible disaster today. My dad cared for his lawn like a child, it was beautiful, thick, lush and green. My mother had four o'clock's everywhere including that garden under the porch. In the Spring and Summer it would be filled with beautiful red and pink four clock's. They bloomed during the day, at, you guessed it, four o'clock! As a kid I would love to watch the flowers open in the afternoon. A nice memory tucked away in my mind. All the homes on our one block street called Topeka Avenue are run down except the home that belonged to Mrs. Theresa Plute on the corner of Egan and Topeka and the far  left home at the end of our block that belongs to my friend Lynette's aunt Francie Horvat.
Mirabilis Jalapa or more commonly known as the Four O'clock. I will always think of my mom when I see these flowers. I will tell you a little story about snapdragons next time
.I am not sure you can see this postcard but in the year 1940, my grandmother Mary Videtich-Kocman sent this postcard to my dad from Ojo Caliente. Her handwriting was identical to my dad's. I had to show this to you and thank my sister for this bits of treasure.  Cousin Kay Samples-Elliott is learning so many fascinating things about our phamily too. I am exciting to share more as these days go by.

A share for Sandee and the folks at Aw...Monday. We have a large orange tabby like this one. He thinks he can get away with his behavior but alas, Rose the cat will not allow it! She is the cat mistress of this home!mačka is SLOVEnian  for cat. I hope you learned something new today. 

Until tomorrow  lahko noč 


  1. Happy Birthday to those with us and to those in Heaven! My Brother's birthday was yesterday, he is 68! Enjoy your day dear friend, thanks for sharing this look back in photos with me! HUGS!

  2. It is sad to see a well loved home go into decline in the hands of careless people. I worked for nursery at one time and my gardens were lush and full of interesting and unusual plants. I even timed to bloom when nearby ones were finished so the gardens were always colorful. I used perennials that take care of themselves (some 4 O'clocks!) that multiplied on their own. Thirty years in the making, it was hard to move away. I revisited my home this past June still waiting to see what they are going to do. They tore everything out, four years ago, completely stripped all the landscaping in the front yard down to bare dirt and it still sits that way today. It hurts my heart. They even painted the door, shutters and garage door a shade of blue that clashes badly with the orange-y color brick. It is so sad to see. I feel your pain.

  3. My goodness, I had a bit to catch up on today. I'm really enjoying your family history and all the wonderful photos. Your blog books are going to just awesome!!

    Years ago, I had a lovely little house a couple of towns away, and I had all sorts of beautiful flowers growing in my yard. I even added a second floor to the house, and a huge screened in porch. I loved my home. Alas, the day came when I had to sell it and move on. Today when I go by this house, it really hurts my heart to see how badly neglected it has been by the new owners. Some folks today just don't share the same sense of pride in their homes that we were taught.

    It's wonderful hearing the stories that go with each of your photographs. I sometimes wish that I had taken time over the years to write down memorable times to share later with my family. I never realized that one day I'd be writing a blog filled with photos and memories.

    How was your Holiday weekend? Ours was sunny and warm, and the parades and fireworks displays were awesome. Pogo and I watched the festivities on TV from the comfort of our living room. No crowds for us. It was very relaxing.

    Now I think I'll busy here and start a load of laundry. Somehow, the laundry basket never stays empty for long. haha. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  4. Delicious memories, love it!

  5. 625 East Arroyo Avenue isn't listed in the 1940 US Census - so it was likely built after that.

    I have online access to the 1960 Pueblo City Directory - but is doesn't have any "search for street address" function. :(
