
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Aw... Monday/ Blue Monday/Love is...

Layla is the goofiest dog ever! She belongs to our daughter Noelle and Roger and Colton! I tohught she would be perfect for Aw....Monday and I hope you will join Sandee and everyone who joins this Monday's fun! Layla is a Boxer and she is very silly. She loves to sit in the chair though so she seems to be chilling here.
Nick gathered all his siblings and we had a big phamily dinner at Texas Road House tonight. Here is Nick, wearing black and white with Addy, Briitany's seven year old in her pretty pale aqua blue dress. She and Nick love to tease each other because each one thinks they are the Golden Child! The guy sitting behind Nick and Addy has a blue shirt on.

Avery and I were in bad lighting so we have an orange tint to us! Laughing Out Loud! My hubby is wearing his favorite Kentucky Wildcat Wildcat "blue" cap and his San Diego shirt in navy blue! I wish you would see my capri pants, they are royal blue!

 There are many wind turbines across Eastern Colorado and Kansas where we spent the weekend. Coming home today near Limon,  the blue skies were looking pretty with those hard working turbines.
My hubby is a good guy. He usually puts on the coffee int he early a.m. This Love is...looks like us most mornings.
Even the Las Vegas Welcome sign has touches of blue. Visit Sally and the blue crew to see what everyone is up to.
Most of us are heading to Vegas this week for a little vacation. Jeremy has a quick business trip to Dallas/Fort Worth and then on to Fabulous Las Vegas! My hubby and I plan to see a few shows and relax. This summer has been a hectic one. I will be on the hunt for some blues while visiting Las Vegas.  Keep Jeremy is your thoughts and prayers as he flies out tomorrow for business. Part of us are flying out Wednesday to Vegas. Two years in a row, Rebekah has been training for a new job so she can't join us. She is going to be dog and house sitting along with a bevy of good friends who will check on on the gang all week long. My hubby's  brother just can not handle those dogs and cats   alone so we have plenty of pet lovers trouping through to help out. Wish us all well and have a beautiful week.


  1. Hi Anne,

    What a good time your summer has been and is continuing to be! You sure look pretty with your hubby. Thanks for playing today.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  2. Love the blue:) Have a blessed day and fun in Vegas! HUGS!

  3. Always enjoy hearing what is going on in your life. Wish I was going with you to Vegas.

  4. Hello Anne,
    I love the "Love is....." sentences ♥
    Have a nice week,
    kind regards,

    Thanks if you visit my blog

  5. Nice blues! Great family photos! Have fun in Vegas!

  6. That's an adorable dog. Enjoy your weekend in Vegas!

  7. I love the photo of Layla. Every doggie should have his/her favorite chair to relax on. She looks quite pleased with her chair. That's a great shot of the wind turbines. Your "Love Is" reminds me of how my hubby and my brother used to spoil me all the time. I miss them.

    I've never been to Vegas, so have a little extra fun for me. Enjoy your vacation. Hugs, Edna B.

  8. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your well wishes for my new part time status..

  9. I've never been to Vegas. But it sure does look fun. :)

  10. What a fun summer and continue to enjoy till it's very last day my friend.
    Have a fun weekend.

  11. Anne, I hope you had a great time in Vegas. Rod and I have gone there many times when we lived in Tucson. It was always so much fun.

  12. I love all the family photos on the wall! I think the pooch does too!

  13. Oh that brought back some memories for me, we went to Las Vegas from Delaware when we were living there in 1993. A remember a lot of laughs together.
