
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Wedding Blues/Love is.../Aw...Monday/My BoJon Heritage/Alphabe Thursday "V" is for Vintage

I thought Sandee and the gang would like this Aw....Monday too. I sure feel this way some days. I have something going on that needs lots of prayer. Please pray. Thank you.

Karla and Aaron were married on April 30, 1995. They are still such a cute couple today. Karla reminded me of Auntie Ang with her modern white wedding suit. She was a beautiful bride. Aaron looks so handsome in his white tux and tails.
A vintage Nabisco PremiumSaltine Cracker canister. This will always and forever remind me of Auntie Jo Steblay Binder, mom's baby sister. She and her hubby Uncle Tom lived in Texas a great deal of their marriage and later Louisana and this was a must to keep crackers fresh in the humidity. Although I live in high altitude those crackers get stale quickly without the protection of this sturdy little canister. I purchased this when I was a newlywed in 1984. I thought Ms. Jenny would like this little vintage treasure.

Jeremy is in Boston on a business trip. He took a couple nice shots of the beautiful architectural design there. I thought Sally and the Blues would like these pretty blue skies too.
I love seeing the different archetectual designs too. More Boston blue skies here. Thanks J!

More blue skies but these are Colorado skies! Look at the sunrise peeking over the horizon. I love the early morning so I can see God's glory and majestic artwork everywhere!
This Layla is a quirky dog! She is a pure bred boxer and rarely puts her tongue back inside her mouth! She can not catch a treat for anything and loves sitting in the chairs at her house. Layla  has been with Noelle and Roger for 7 years. I know I missed Blue Monday with Sally and Sandee at Aw...Monday but I am still putting up my post. I was trying to catch up after a rough week. Not feeling 100 percent and have taken a bit of a break from all the household chores still left to do.

I am not sure I am very good at this anymore. I use to love to ride my bike but I guess I should try it before I don't like it anymore! These two are huffing and puffing up that hill.

Nick heads back to Kansas tomorrow afternoon. It was a quick Fall Break. But he will be back next month for Thanksgiving. This photo of Nick and high school team mate Sean was taken May 11, 2011.  I figured I would add more blue!  Please keep Nick and Louis in your prayers for safe travels. Enjoy these even though they will count toward this new weeks meme's!

For all the baseball fans out there good luck to your teams!


  1. praying safe travels for nick and louis

  2. What a lovely post. I hope you feel better soon.

    You are never late with Awww Mondays. They can be posted anytime of the week. Never a bad day for an Awww, and what a cute Awww this week.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Good morning. I hope you are feeling better now. I've been amiss lately and am just getting caught with your posts. I hope you enjoyed those donuts, because I certainly would have!! I love the glazed ones. I also love the lemon filled ones!

    The photos of the baby with you and hubby are just adorable. Babies are wonderful. We have two more babies coming in our family. These will be more of the great grandbabies. I love it!!

    I have to agree with you about how thin some girls and women are these days. They look so unhealthy! I think the advertising needs to focus more on "healthy looks" than all the "skinny" looks. Although I could use a bit of that skinny on me. haha.

    As for the bike riding, I did my share in my younger days. I would love to get back to it, but I would need one of those adult three wheeled tricycles. It would take more than two little thing wheels to keep this fluffy body upright.

    I want to thank you for the information about the elderberry tea. I seem to catch everything that goes past my door, so I'll be looking for some of this tea.

    Now I have some household mischief to tend to. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  4. Cute entry photo! '-)
    I'm late arriving to Blue Monday. Hope you have a great day.

  5. Fun post. I use to love those (Love) cartoons when they were in our paper (they aren't anymore).

  6. Hi Anne,

    Boston is a pretty city.

    I'll bet there's a lot of dog drool at that home!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  7. My beagle cannot catch treats either. The beagle I lost a few years ago could catch them mid air. This one just lets them hit her in the I love old tins like the one you have pictured. Hope you have a great week!
    Joy @ Books and Life

  8. praying you find a good doctor very soon my friend, love you

  9. Always enjoy reading what is happening with you and family. However, I sense all is not well with you. Trust whatever will soon be better. Take care my friend.

  10. Fabulous photos and beautiful stories!...Christine

  11. Lovely blue skies over those impressive building designs. And love the light in the last photo.

  12. I always enjoy your blog- have a good day and take care!

  13. Always love to read your blog too Ann. I hope you are alright?

  14. Hope you are feeling better! I always enjoy the Love is... cartoon. I also agree we need encouragement when we fail more than praise after success even though both are good.

  15. Hi Anne! Thanks for sharing that majestic Colorado sky! :D Such a sight to behold!

  16. Anne have a nice week; im happy you dropped over at my blog for this week's blue Monday. Enjoyed your photos

    much love...
