
Sunday, November 8, 2015


So much happening in my life that I let my blogaversary slip my mind. I am celebrating six years of wonderful blogging with all of you, the best friends a girl could have. I am going to do a giveaway. So I hope you will like surprises! All I ask is that you leave a comment. I am going to let the giveaway run from today, Sunday, November 8, 2015 to  Sunday November 29, 2016 and it will give you lots of opportunity to visit and leave your comments so you will have more chances to be the big winner! All I ask is that you leave a comment when you visit. I am an old fashioned girl and I will draw a winner the old fashion way by letting my hubby draw the winner on Sunday November 29th.
You might receive one item or two or even three. Who knows! I will let you keep guessing. Enjoy the surprise! Kind of like a little holiday cheer before Christmas comes our way.
A good friend of mine Barb encouraged me to blog when Rebekah's little dog Tinkerbell got ill and was diagnosed with liver cancer. Although she passed away in May 2010 I was overwhelmed bythe kind folks I met. I was taken by the friendships I made and enjoyed the "journey or journal as some would say. Many bloggers tells me they consider this their journal and even turn their blog pages into a blog book so they will have a wonderful memory of this to share with their phamilies. I now have encouraged Barb to keep blogging and get back into it. She has had lots of phamily issues and health problems so she really got away from her blog. Her blog is so sweet and the title so clever so I imagine you have already guessed that she loves her pets! I f you know Barb here or at Face Book (Barbara Shobe Boyack) encourage her to get back into blogging.
I enjoy some social media sites. I often spend too much time pinning at pinterest when I remember clearly saying that I would never get involved in such a silly project! I like FaceBook because I can visit with phamily and friends who are far away but I dislike the meanness over politics
 and other unpleasant topics. A wonderful blogger  Theresa that shares her beautiful blog with many wonderful photos of her beautiful ranch in Texas has told me that she avoids social media because it is cutting and cruel and I must admit it can be just that!
I wanted to share a little sweet blue for Sally and share these beautiful photos of Jeremy, Brittany and Addy.

Smokey likes to be in charge of things and he has a lot of competition with Leo these days. Leo is two and Smokey is eight so Leo has a tad more energy than Smokey. The lower photo is Smokey in 2012 and he was not so snowy white around his face. Today, the upper photo he is a little older and whiter and wiser! He still loves to chill out. He is leading the pack with Leo, Stella and Bandit.  I hope you stop by and visit Sandee and everyone at Aw....Monday.

I love Love is...and this one reminded me of Smokey just a bit. He and Stella are both 8 while Bandit is 14. Love really does grow through the years.


  1. Isn't blogging wonderful? I consider it my life story and I am one that compiles them in a book although I am really behind. Thanks for a chance of your giveaway.....Christine

  2. What a beautiful post and a thoughtful wish for your blogger friend. Blogging helps me to keep my creative spirit alive. It is part of my daily diet. A basic necessity. Cute presentation of the parcels in the first phot. Great blue bows. And love your dogs. They look gorgeous together.

  3. Morning Anne,

    And a Happy Blogiversary! You started not too long after me! I only do blogging and Facebook. I do my best to ignore political and negative posts. Perhaps Barb will find some blue to blog about.

    Smokey likes blue too--see his chair?

    Thanks for playing today.
    Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

  4. Congratulations on your Blogging Anniversary! Bloggers share a very special bond and I'm always happy to be apart of our special "blogging family!"


  5. Enjoyed your photos today. But especially your thoughts.
    I'm just about done with Facebook and recently took a look at Pinerest but don't think I'll be an active 'pinner'. Not about to give up blogging though ;)

  6. Even though I have not been posting so much lately...just doing some serious prayer and deep thinking about which way to go with my blog...I always visit blogs on my roll weekly...Happy "Blogaversary"....Love all your great pics and thoughts today...especially the fur babies.. Have a great day and Blessings!

  7. Happy bloganniversary! I also consider my blog a journal. I have made some very dear friendships as well!

  8. Congratulations on your Blogaversary. When I first started my blog, I never thought that I'd still be posting seven years later.

    I think Nick looks great in pink. More guys should add some color to their wardrobes. My grandson came by yesterday and was wearing the greatest shirt. It had flowers on the sleeves. It looked really great.

    What a brave little girl Mayah June is. I'll keep her in my prayers. Would you believe, my special little girl turned 50 a few days ago. I can only thank the good folks who care for her every day for the good long life she is enjoying.

    Now I'm off to see what sort of fun mischief I can get into today. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  9. Happy 6th Blogoversary. Blogging rocks.

    Love the photos of those precious dogs. Awww and the awww again. Reminded me of our Little Bit. We are still having a horrible time.

    I linked you to Awww Mondays.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday. ☺

  10. Congrats on your blogaversary! I enjoyed all the photos you shared today. I hope this is the start of a nice week. We have our fingers crossed for sunshine by mid week!

  11. Another blogaversary .... how FUN!!!!! (Stupid spell-check keeps informing me blogaversary isn't a 'real' word, but I keep telling it to stick it.)

    After all this time, I'm still astonished at the quality of friendships I've developed (through blogging) without leaving my desk. What gifts you all are!

    Lovin' that photo collage of Jeremy and 'his ladies!' Wow, April will be here before we know it!


  12. Great post, and fabulous dogs. I can see who owns the beds and other furniture. And your right about love. It's love that makes the world go round.

    Have a super fabulous day!

  13. I only do the blog and have truly enjoyed it. Makes me feel still connected to the world. Life is very different after you have worked 40 years and then suddenly stop. Just think if I had not learned to bldg, would have never known you.

  14. Happy Blogaversary! I also started blogging because of an animal. I had a tough time with the death of my heart dog, Logan. Luckily it quickly morphed into something less morose. I never expected anybody to actually read it either!

    I avoid a lot of social media too, for the same reasons you mentioned. My job brings enough ugliness, I don't need it at home too. I also avoid the news. My husband usually fills me in on the big stuff. Sometimes ignorance is bliss!

  15. Anne,
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words...I would love to be entered in your giveaway!!
    Congrats on your Blog ANNIVERSARY!!

  16. Happy Blogoversary! We have books made from our blog too mainly to remember our angel sisfur Sadie since she left for the Rainbow Bridge in 2012. We've also met great people through blogging and enjoy it so much! We enjoyed seeing your adorable dogs too!

  17. Been missing lots of blogging but I think I'm back now. Getting my sister settled into her new environment and hoping she improves. Happy anniversary for the very fun blogging world. It keeps me on my toes and my brain firing.

  18. Happy Blog Anniversary! I'd have to go back and look at my blog to find out when I started. I've just been so hit and miss over the years. I've stayed away from social Facebook or anything else. Just my blog. I don't want to spent a lot of time online I guess. Take care...Betty

  19. Happy Happy Blogoversary!!!!! Oh my goodness we have both been blogging six years!!! I know how hard that is!
    I just signed up to follow your blog.......thank you for your kind comment on my blog today!
    Not sure if you know, but I have a dog blog too! It is

    Sending love from all of us!

  20. Happy Blog Anniversary! It is so hard when one of our pet's our sick so I am glad that helped you get through it.
    Hope you have a great week!
    Joy @ Books and Life

  21. happy blogaversary, love you, and your blog.

  22. Congratulations on your Blogaversary! Your blog is beautiful and you are such a lovely person. :)

  23. Happy Blogaversary. 6 years is a goodly time. Lots of lovely blue this week. Your dog family look very happy together.

  24. Don't fall over, I am actually here! Wonderful blog post, love your pets..pets are always there for us, aren't they?

    Love the Save the Date for Jeremy and Brittany..very clever. I have to say that I think Jeremy very much looks like your dear dad..I know how missed he is, and your sweet Mom..

    Well, thank you for encouraging everyone to come visit my blog..much appreciated my very longtime dear friend...

    P.S. can't wait to see what's in your giveaway!

  25. Happy Anniversary and your dogs are precious.

    Hugs from OKlahoma,

    Cottage Making Mommy

  26. your blog made me think about how long I have been blogging! Next year will make 10! Have fun today and every day! Cheers!

  27. Happy sixth blogaversary! I celebrated my fifth this past June.

    My husband encouraged me to blog, as a way to review books that I read with my students at school. It's grown over the years to include plenty of other topics.

    Social media is a huge part of my life too. I use it to chat, but also to bring a little goodness into the world. As unpleasant as Facebook can be, it's better than the world news.

    Your dogs are lovely. We have a cat trio and a solo poodle. :-)
