
Thursday, November 19, 2015


Ms. Jenny is trying a different party after all the seasons of Alphabe Thursday. I love to take photos of the sunrising and setting and watching God at work in nature. So here is my Wednesday share:
Leftover snow and a pink tinted sky, who could ask for anything more? This was Wednesday November 18, 2015.
Yesterday I was heading to the Dollar Tree for some Red Bird Peppermint Pillows. Do you ever get the feeling someone is watching you? I was at the stop`light at Irma and 120th Avenue when I noticed an older lady gesturing for me to roll my window down. She said she was new in the area and could I tell her how to get to Kohls? Since it is a few miles up the road I gave her directions and she smiled and thanked me and drove off. Made my day. A small kindness on both sides. Always makes me know there is goodness in the world

Now I want to end this Warm  Heart Wednesday with a funny:
I had to share this from my niece Karla's friend Edna. Is she a character or what?
Nick is very excited about being at XC Nationals this year. KWU has not been there since 1978! Wow! Love these in the school purple. Please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers. I wish all runners their best run ever for 2015!
Louis is such a modest young man, he will make an excellent law enforcement officer. He is humble and kind. Something we never hear enough of about the law. My silly son is on your right with his blue shoes! His facial expression is priceless. My wish is that they all run like the wind and everyone excels at Nationals.
Although Pre was from my generation, he is still considered one of the greatest runners in Track and Field. His life was cut short in a tragic car accident but his life lives through each and every runner today. His words are true. I hope you visit Ms. Jenny and say hi even though I am a day late.


  1. You've had snow already?

    I wish the best for all the runners!

    Very nice post for Warm Heart Wednesday.

  2. This is the second posting of this new meme. Awesome.

    I think I'll call in sick for work today. Now where should I call in? How fun.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Whoa ... for a moment there I was like, "What day IS this?" (Ya, it's been a long week.)

    I almost laughed out-loud at that "calling in sick" image! Do you remember those practical phone jokes we'd play as kids? (Then, someone had to go and invent caller ID and ruin all our fun!)

    Prayers for Nick and his teammates!

  4. That bear calling in sick made my day!! Too funny!

  5. Wonderful series of 'warm my heart' ~ love the bear!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  6. Beautiful wintry scene. Sadly, we're expecting our first snowstorm tomorrow. I'm not ready.

  7. Glad you have the snow and not us. We rarely get it, but not complaining. Take care and always enjoy hearing what is going on in your world.

  8. Go, Nick and team! Thankfully no snow here today and actually pretty warm weather. I'm grateful for every second of it. Sweet wishes!

  9. Beautiful and inspiring post! I have seen many videos in relation to Anne Frank and her father, Otto, and the movies as well, and I have read several books, too. I am reading one now about Anne Frank's family. It is quite fascinating. Thank you so much for brightening my day. Snow? Oooh, how exciting! It shouldn't be too long before I see some here in Montreal, Canada. :)

  10. Such a pretty sky shot - the snow lovely even though I'm not a winter person at all.

    Enjoyed your post very much and all the great quotes.
    We have much to be thankful for.

  11. Hmmm. I don't think my first comment went through. (scratch head) Best wishes to Nick and his team. Hope they all do well. Have a wonderful weekend, Anne. :-)

  12. "Leftover snow and a pink tinted sky, who could ask for anything more?"
    Photos like these always make me a little homesick. The reality though is that my hometown doesn't look like this anymore. I guess the better phrasing would be, they make me feel a little nostalgic. :-)

  13. Thank you for coming to visit.
    I am looking forward to Brenda's ornament giveaway, although I keep changing my mind on what I want mine to be.
    Thanks also for sharing Warm Heart Wednesday. I will try to join over the winter.

    I had to laugh. People have asked me for directions when I, too, was in an unfamiliar town. I wish I could have helped but would be fraid I'd get them further lost!


  14. Oh Anne. Your post was wonderful! I love how you find positive in everything! And the Kohl's exchange would have made me smile, too! Thank you for being you, Miss Anne. And thank you for warming my heart. XOXO

  15. I really miss you on FB! Wish we could reconnect! xoxo
