
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Warm Heart Wednesday/

Had to visit Ms. Jenny and everyone at Warm Heart Wednesday. Somedays I think there isn't enough kindness in the world to keep sharing but then someone waves you into busy traffic and gives you a jump in front of them, you smile. It is all those kindnesses that warm your heart.

We have been wanting to get some Popeye's Fried Chicken. It is one of those things we rarely have so we decided to stop there tonight and pick up some great fried chicken for dinner. As we were waiting to order a gentleman leaving with his purchase stopped and asked all three couples standing in line if we were getting the 3 piece dinners? We all were and he gave us coupons to purchase one and get one free. That was a warm heart Wednesday kindness. A total savings of $6.99, what a great deal.
We are still experiencing very bitter cold temperatures. I am hoping we can get some full sunshine this weekend. The cold weather is ok because we need the snow and moisture but when your backyard is frozen solid from the first big snow over a month ago, it is time for a warm up.

This Sunday is the baby shower for our grandson Colton and his girlfriend Jacey. They are expecting a little boy, Harrison James, sometime in February. Needing to get out and get a little shopping done for the baby. Baby needs have certainly changed since our youngest was born 22 years ago. Everything is so high tech. Anxious to find some great gifts. Instead of greeting cards they would like everyone to bring a book for the baby and sign it. I will share my book choice for Blue Monday this weekend. Everyone have a wonderful weekend and join the Warm Heart Wednesday.


  1. Hi Anne ~~ I hope that you had a nice and Merry Christmas this year.
    I really liked your post this week, I can relate to quite a bit in itd\. We went down I-10, something that I really don't like to do, here in the west side of Houston traffic there is sooo fast and thick too, to go to Macy's. We were shopping for our Great Grandson a present. John wears size 9. Doing that we were able to take the HOV lanes a lot of the time.
    But what else besides gifts for the grands in common is that we were on the GIVING SIDE of the allowing traffic to merge in ahead of us from the other lane. I must have done that, allowing, a dozen times. It was really liked by those coming in. And no one behind us honked at me. !!!

  2. I love Popeye's spicy chicken and we have it every so often. Love their potatoes and gravy and especially their coleslaw. Now I'm hungry for their chicken. What a nice thing for that guy to do.

    Oh I love baby showers. They are such wonderful times of celebration.

    Have a fabulous day Anne. ☺

  3. Happy New Years!!!!

    Hope 2016 is a good one!

  4. Happy New Year, Anne!

    Aren't unexpected kindness-es the best?
    I had to smile at your example of a motorist yielding, allowing me to merge. I try to remember to extend that courtesy myself ... but get so dang(!) mad when they don't 'wave' or otherwise acknowledge thanks.
    Some people are just so rude! Better I focus on the good, huh?

  5. You're going to be a great grandma? Did I read that correctly? Congratulations. I like the idea of everyone bringing a book and signing it.

    Here a lot of people are very aggressive when they drive. Defensive driving is the name of the game. It's always so nice when someone waves you over into their lane. I like it when I let someone over and they give a thank you wave in return.

    Happy New Year!

  6. Love Popeye's!

    We've been having super cold weather here in California, too. To be honest, after the drought it's kind of refreshing.


  7. Great post for Warm Heart Wednesday:) Enjoy your baby shower and I can't believe that I want some chicken right now:) HUGS!

  8. What a cute idea to bring books instead of cards! Sorry to hear you've been so cold. I'm glad we've gotten cold to get rid of the mud. Happy 2016!

  9. Happy New Year, Anne! I love that idea of bringing a book for Harrison James. I love that name. I'm into loving things lately. The Warm Heart Wednesdays is thawing me out. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder
