
Friday, January 15, 2016

Missing Fun Meme's

Do you remember doing Alphabe Thursday with Ms. Jenny? My goodness, it was just yesterday, if I recall. She had stuck by the AT bunch for a long while and needed a break. I was sad but I thought I know somehow she will be back! Thank goodness Mr. Jenny told her to try something new.  She now hosts Warm Heart Wednesday. Jenny has always been good at organizing and then participating in these fun meme's, But her health took a detour and it was hard to keep up. She did a great job and I miss it so I may do a little potpourri of old meme's for your reading enjoyment. Next there was Thankful Thursday, and although I am not certain who hosted this one, Sandee stills does this because she likes be thankful! I will share here too. Finally Angela, who no longer blogs for lots of busy things going on in her life, including celebrating four years since she discovered she had breast cancer!  She is currently cancer free! She hosted Tuesday Show and Tails and everyone shared their pets and other precious animals each Tuesday. I hope you will join me and perhaps share some of your favorite meme's too.

Before I share my favorite things here, I wanted to mention, occasionally someone posts here at the blog or at social media that we should not use google images because people are suing and people who use those private images are paying lots of money. I say ridiculous. I never use anyone else's work without telling everyone who it belongs to. But if it is on google why not sue them? They probably have more money than the rest of us? ! I think it is foolish and simply another waste of the judicial systems time. I once found a cute google image of a crocheted tea cozy cover. A lady came over and told me her neighbor who was quite elderly use to make those and that cozy was one her friend made. We exchanged pleasant conversation but no lawsuits were filed. Thanks goodness! I guess I need to call my friend  Cat and have her make that watermark we talked about so I can at least see my photos with my blog name on them. She designed my blog header for me with photos that are my mom and her older cousin Hedwig.  We incorporated a few of my favorite things. Thanks Cat, you are such a superb talent.

Mary D use to have a wonderful blog and do a weekly Love is....I have a book filled with these cartoon treats as well as a pinterest page filled with lots of them. The late Kim Casali created these fun cartoon characters and Love is...By the way, at pinterest, if someone does not want you to have their image/photo etc. pinterest tells you that they had to take it down. Easy peasy. No hassles and certainly no lawsuits! Whewwwwww......I use to cut these from the newspaper each day and glue them on to scraps of construction paper. Somewhere in storage here, my hubby has all those! Remember the Rubik's Cube?  Do you think sometimes love is like one?

I miss Mary in Queens, NY. She use to host Maxine on Saturday's! Oh goodness, Maxine is a real pistol! She is very outspoken and I love her and you know, the creator of Maxine is actually a gentleman! Life got in Mary's way too. She was a college professor and I really had fun visiting these each week. I dedicated a board on pinterest to Maxine too. If you follow me there, you will see many Maxine quips! John Wagner is the brains behind Maxine and her creativity.

I suppose you noted my apples at the top of this post. I took that photo when my lil great grandson Jayden was here. He asked me if he could please have an apple. As I was washing the apple he said, "Grammie, please don't take the peel off. Then I won't know if it is a red or green apple, and Grammie, I only like the green apples!" Some of the best conversations I have are with that small boy. This photo is Jayden's "Say Cheese" face. He was entertaining my tiny Cabbage Patch baby named Sierra Miranda. So I think you know that "A" is for that bowl of Apples. I miss Alphabe Thursday too. I did add some pink so stop by the Pink Saturday Pinkies too! I bet you will see other pinks here today!

This tiny sad face is Michael, Jayden's little brother. He loves Grandpa Roger but his teeth were giving him a bit of trouble, so he was a little sad. I am thankful for these boys and their sweet faces. Grateful that they are related to me. Thank you Sandee for reminding me again of doing this Thankful Thursday. Whoever initiated this meme, thank you too.

I thought these two furry friends were perfect to remember a Tuesday Show and Tail! I agree with the words here too, 100 percent!

I would love to see your favorites posted at your blog so please share some soon. In the process of preparing for these meme's I found a couple great pinks to share with Beverly and the Pinkies too. I will get those posted for Pink Saturday! Everyone, have a terrific weekend.


  1. This is a fun post, Maxine is a hoot, isn't she?

  2. Love that cartoon, already disturbed... :) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Well, you got me wondering where Thankful Thursday originated so I did some research. Here's the home of Thankful Thursday Then Busy Being Blessed took over Thankful Thursday @ Jenn had some issues and Thankful Thursday went away. So that's all I know.

    Now you have me wondering about other memes. Like Thursday 13.

    Have a fabulous day Anne. ♥♥♥

  4. Oh and I found Lisa Schroeder's site and she's been doing this the longest. She did a total of five Thankful Thursday posts. So, now that's all I know.

    Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  5. Life goes on and people drop out of blogland. I enjoyed going down memory land with you. My online friend died some years back and I still keep her blog on my sidebar and reading list. Just can't bare to remove it.

  6. It makes me sad when great blogs or blog hops don't get updated anymore.
    That Aunt Acid meme is hilarious.

  7. I so enjoyed this post of yours! Yes, there are so many bloggers that are no longer active or (like me) have let their blogs slide to little activity. I know personally, I was spending way too much time on the computer and letting things around here slide, so I decided to (for now) just do Pink Saturday every week. Now that "anything goes" is our topic, it's easy to participate and just toss out whatever is going on in my life. My blog is just an online journal so it really doesn't matter to anyone but me! haha

    I LOVE the great grandboy's statement about not knowing what kind of apple he was eating if you cut the peeling off! That's so sweet!

    HPS!!! Dana

  8. Like you, I've seen a lot of bloggers and scrap forums come and go. I enjoyed my time with them and miss them. But then life goes on and we reach out to meet new bloggers.

    I did not know that people were being sued over the images on Google. I say that if the image is not watermarked, then it should be okay for public use if it is listed on Google. Although, if I use an image that I borrow, I always give credit to the owner or say where it came from.

    I love your images of the changing sky. It always amazes me how quickly the skyline changes. You stay warm and have a wonderful evening. Hugs, Edna B.

  9. What a warm hearted post!

    I, too, miss Alphabe-Thursday AND Saturday Centus.

    I'm getting my feet wet on this one...thinking of restarting some of the others one day soon.

    Thanks for linking Miss Anne.

    Seeing your 'face' always warms my heart.

