
Tuesday, January 5, 2016


If you want really good photos you go to Noelle's Face Book page and you take what you want! Bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......
Ah.....Tried and true Bronco fans Brittany and Jeremy! New Year's Eve 2015!
Noelle turned the big 4-0 on December 13th. This is Crystal her bestie who hosted the fun! These "egghead morangeous's" (a word I invented when they were young, so I would never use bad language) have been besties since the 5th grade. Crystal hosted her birthday bash and we celebrated Roger too. He and Noelle share December 13th as their birthdays.
You have to meet Jolly, Noelle's co worker and great friend! You will love this girl, she is actually Melissa Jolly if you want to be formal about it!
You know I was just a mere child when this girl was born! Bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
This guy, she calls him "Dad"!
It's Nick with baby Ella. She is the daughter of Jeremy's dear friends Andrew and Lyndsee. A girlfriend for my tiny great grandson Michael....hmmmmm.......
Baby Palooza at Noelle's house- Roger has a big smile for Leonidus (your left) and Michael (your right). Leonidus is Colton's friend's child. He is about a month younger than Michael, my great grandson.
CHRISTmas 2015, from left to right: Tarrah, Christal Rebekah, yours truly, Noelle and Brittany.
BoJon Soul Food - Saukerkraut, Potatoes, Bacon and Kolabasi. Thank you Frank's
Market in Pueblo, my BoJon relatives, for making this delightful sausage for all good BoJon's to enjoy.
I told you before, Nick at Rocky Mountain Potica in Evergreen, CO. saved my CHRISTmas! So did Sunrise Bakeries in Minnesota and Noelle received a loaf of potica from my sister-in-law Joyce! She purchased it from a Mauro Potica place here in the metro area. A BoJon CHRISTmas saved by the kindness of others.
Silliness aside,  I trust my tomorrow to God, because I do know He is already there.
My long time friend Mike J. Barnett  passed away shortly after the Monday night Bronco game December 28th. He was commenting at Face Book that those Bronco's were stressing him out. Within an hour he was gone. He had retired from the Union Pacific railroad last year. He made the big time for a Bojon kid from Pueblo, Colorado. He was one of two  local boys to make senior conductor for the r/r co. I am sad for his family. especially his daughter Ashlee and his brother Patrick. Life comes with no guarantees.
BoJons usually know everyone and when Mike passed away last week I heard from lots of folks asking me if it was our cousin Mike Barnett!  Losing a friend is difficult and it is tough thinking about that loss. I am grateful that cousin Mike Barnett is here to help me with this blogging. We have done this to share with our children and their children. Thank you Mike for igniting that spark inside me to start trying to blog more about our wonderful heritage. You are an excellent writer. Thank you to cousin Kay who is writing down all her phamily recipes and adding stories that go with them. She recently shared a cookie recipe that her mom made. My sister mentioned it to me and I asked Kay if she would have it.  My sissy is going to love having your mom's favorite cookie recipe. Thank you and the story attached to it and your "Little Grandma Samples". You are another blessing in my life Kay. Sharing your love of our heritage and your love of searching the libraries and different sites along the way to add to our ancestors history.



  1. What a delightful post right up until the loss of your friend. I'm so sorry. I just found out yesterday about a loss of one of my dear friends that lived in Texas.

    Have a blessed day. ☺

  2. I am so sorry about your friend's passing. My sympathy across the miles. Loved the phamily pictures. My friend's niece had a baby girl before Christmas -- Zoe is cute as a button -- and I look at little boys as her potential boy friends. Silly, but it's so fun.

  3. I am sorry to hear of the passing of your friend! Sounds like he was doing something he loved, watching the Broncos! So sad for the family:( Loved seeing all of the pictures. My Brother and Daughter share the December 13th Birthday too! HUGS!

  4. What a lovely post and such beautiful family photos. I love your saying of how God might bend you but he won't let you break. I haven't heard it said that way before but I agree with it.

    I hope this new year is a good one for all of us. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  5. Sorry to hear about that.
    I still wish you a great year ahead though.

  6. Hi Anne ~~ I too am sorry for the loss of your friend. I'm wondering if there were indications in the days before. He was sounding like my dad, he wouldn't watch the University of Nebraska games with Mom because he could feel strange things going on in his chest. He just knew it was his heart acting up when he got excited.
    You have a very nice and generous towards you. It made me feel warm to read about it.
    Your title reminded me of a Marty Robins song from long ago. Probably too old for you, I started:
    A white sports coat and a pink carnation
    I'm all dressed up for the dance

  7. Happy New Year to you Anne! I really enjoyed seeing your family photos and the quotes you shared - but I am SO sorry for the loss of your friend! I know how difficult it is to lose someone you love.

    I pray that God's peace will be with you during this time.

    Hope you have much joy in the New Year!
