
Monday, February 15, 2016

In Side Out: Blue Monday/ Baby Blues/Aw...Monday/Love is.../Maxine Cracks Me Up/My BoJon Heritage/My Super Bowl Heroes/

Do you know this movie? Oh My Goodness, I just have to say it is my very favorite movie currently. I have watched it twice and then I just bought it. It is the voices inside of each one of us, Fear (purple), Anger (red). Joy (green) Disgust (green) and Sadness (blue). It is one of the nicest ways I have seen that you can convey feelings that you feel to young children and as an adult, the lessons in each one of these feelings is truly valuable. Sadness will fit in to Blue Monday so tell Sally you saw Sadness here along with Joy's bright blue hair.
When Harrison James debuted on Tuesday February 10, 2016 at 2:50 P.M. he weighed in at 9 lbs. even and was 21 3/4 inches long. What a sweetness. Ah.....youth!
This is Jordy Nelson. He is a twelve week old puppy who belongs to my grandson Colton's sweetheart and her mom Lisa. Although this Jordy doesn't much look like this guy:
American football wide receiver Jordy Nelson plays for the NFL team the Green Bay Packers. Jacey and her mom love those Green Bay Packers and Jordy Nelson is a favorite player. Puppy Jordy came along just in time, our new great grand baby Harrison James who debuted on February 10,2016. The idea is that Jordy and Harrison will grow up together and be great pals. I thought it was one of those Aw...Monday moments to share with Sandee and those who participate with Aw...Monday too.
I thought this Love is...was quite appropriate for Valentine's Day, just yesterday. Hope your day was extra special.
Maxine, always has the words to say, even is sometime you don't like them! Silly Maxine! But I am so much like Maxine some days and I have learned to filter the words before they exit my mouth most days.

I have had this wonderful box filled with great Slovenia and Italy treasures. Cousin Kay visited Slovenia and also traveled to Rome this past August. She sent me this box of wonderful souvenirs . This is an awesome t shirt. LOVE is the main ingredient in Slovenia.

I wish I spoke the language but this is a bottle of Honey and Brandy.  I am really loving going through all these great gifts. I have run into a snag trying to post my cute and adorable great garandbaby's photos here  and the rest of my BoJon treasures from Kay so please forgive me and let me tell Kay :

Have a wonderful week and see you soon.


  1. excellent post! Have a great week!

  2. Hi, I appreciate you coming by to visit my blog. Welcome! I love your darling grandchild's photo and that movie you mentioned sounds so cute and informative too.

  3. Hi Anne,

    What a sweet little baby boy . . . congratulations! Thanks for sharing.

    Have a Happy Blue Monday!

  4. Awwwww, the new addition to the family just melts my heart. He is so precious! [born the day AFTER my birthday]

  5. You have more than one awww here. There is your sweet Harrison, then the cute puppy and then an adorable kitty. Lots of Awww's.

    Have a terrific day Anne. ☺

  6. Always nice to visit here, so much to see! How very exciting to have a new member of the family! Congratulations!
