
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Sunshine and Snowy Days

We have sunshine and crystal clear blue skies! The dogs have made a path when they go outside. It is really cold but the air is crisp and clean. My poor lil Hyundai, I wonder if we can ever get it fixed? I have had enough snow already. The main roads are clear but the side streets and some backroads are still buried with the glistening white stuff.

Trek enjoys the snow and this was taken in 2011 while he was enjoying a romp in the cold stuff in my backyard. Does he looks like like he is saying "Yipee"? It sure does to me and it makes my heart warm. Stop by Jenny's and say hi today. Stay warm wherever you are if you are experiencing a cold spell too. Have some of this stuff:
This one is courtesy of Starbucks and google images.


  1. Oooh ~ that hot chocolate? would warm my heart ~ Love your photo of the doggie in action ~ and snow scene ~ Spring will be hear soon ~ half way there ~ ^_^

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  2. Hot chocolate is the way to go in cold, snowy weather. Enjoyed your snowy photos and fun action shot with Trek. We had a lot of snow last week but I think a mild day might just get rid of the last of it. Enjoy the rest of your week :)

  3. Now that is an artistic and delicious looking cup of hot chocolate. Stay warm friend.

  4. That image of Trek should be in a commercial! In spite of the terrible destruction, I can't let go of the absolute JOY found in playing in the snow. Thanks for letting us Phoenicians look over your shoulder. :)

  5. Oh the pups out playing. So cute.

    I want that hot chocolate. Yummy.

    Have a fabulous day and stay warm. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  6. those outdoor photos look really nice!! Wish they were a little larger :)


  7. That is a lot of snow. The dogs look happy!

  8. Hot chocolate cures all ills! Well, nearly all at least…


  9. I love your pretty snow and the clear blue sky. Hot chocolate sounds good to me!

  10. What a cozy post!

    This definitely warmed my heart!

    And have you tried white hot chocolate? Oh man. It's sooooo good.

    Thank you for linking to week 12.

