
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Happy Pink Saturday

Gastrotheca plumbea, Silver Marsupial frog (male) in habitat on Bomaria pardina, Imbabura Province, Ecuador This photo is by Brad Wilson, DVM on FLickr

I so love this sweet photo and the fact that the little frog is sitting on the leaves of the pretty pink.

I hope you will visit Beverly and share some pink today.


  1. Love that pretty flower topped by a frog. Nicely done my friend.

  2. What a stunning flower, Anne - I've never seen this one! And so cute with that little frog on it:) I respect your decision - Welcome to Seasons, and am looking forward to see your thumb nail photo! Link open Mon-Wed :) Have a wonderful Sunday!

  3. How adorable. What a great find too.

    Have a fabulous day Anne. Big hug. ♥♥♥

  4. It looks like a long, ruffled skirt on a frog! Love it- xo Diana

  5. Love this picture. I think we were pretty close to this area during my trip to the Amazon and what amazing scenery!

  6. nice picture. thanks for the sweet card I received in my mail, love you.

  7. Dear Anne, Thank you so much for the kind comment on my Pink Saturday post. You always lift my heart in many ways. I have always admired your love of family and your kindness to others as well. I am resolved to be the Blogger I want to be and visit my many friends that I have neglected. I am truly 'back' to blogging that I have loved so much.

    Your pretty pink flower with the frog made me smile BIG. What a great photo op for the photographer. A great share.

    Have a great week.

  8. Hi Anne, thank you so much for dropping. It's been a while since my last visit. That potato soup looks delicious. I made a pot a couple of days ago when it got cold here and it was a good comfort food!
