
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Kindness and the Blizzard

Welcome to my Warm Heart Wednesday and please visit Jenny and all those participating. I am way behind on commenting so forgive me. Can't get well, lose a cold, get a new one,can't feel right, 30 today and 60 yesterday! It is an upside down world lately.
The blizzard of 2016 is here! Of course, they said it was a mild storm, sure is funny, all the local, state and federal government offices are closed up tight as a drum while the rest of the working stiffs tried and some failed to get to where they were trying to go! My hubby says downtown, where many of the people he works with live, is not getting hit as hard as we are. Our back door is barricaded with four feet of blowing snow at least! Here is some proof:

Leo has not seen a blizzard with us! Well this is his first! He is quite a large dog, standing on all fours, as you can see, he barely can run through the snow.
Jeremy was able to barrel through a four foot snow drift and charge out of his driveway ! He made it to the RTD bus station and picked up his dad. In the meantime, Markus, who lives a few doors away with Roger and Noelle, was off work early and barreled through the snow in his four runner to clear a long path for the guys to drive through. That is true warm heart kindness. My poor hubby was wading in deep deep snow and had to change his clothes ASAP when he came inside. Now we are enjoying fresh hot buttery popcorn and I am drinking mint and lemon verbena tea with lemon and honey.

We ended our evening with a wonderful potato cheese soup and some nice bread the hubby found.

A blizzard, some good friends and strangers too. A cup of tea and a steaming bowl of soup. Ah....the perfect ending to a Wednesday that warmed my heart.


  1. Nice write up on your blizzard of 2016. It is early in the season for so much snow. We have 'Climate Change' here. That is more politically correct than the old 'Global Warming.' Anyway, here in our Gulf Coast part we missed out on freezes this winter. That is not normal.
    Back in Nebraska in 1949 we had a blizzard that snowed us in. We couldn't get out the doors or windows because the snow was up over their tops. My dad crawled out an upstairs window onto the roof of our porch, then onto the snow where he could shovel down and allow us to get outside. But he also had to shovel a path so we could go somewhere after we got out.

  2. Glad your husband made it home safe and sound! This was some storm--my husband used the snow thrower and I shoveled what he couldn't reach--we were out for hours but it felt good to get out and enjoy the snow once the wind let up.

  3. I saw on the news where Denver was really getting a snow storm. Glad we do not get it that way in Texas. Take care my friend and trust you will feel better soon. Stay in and warm.

  4. I hope you get well soon. Being sick for so long really sucks.

    I also hope the snow goes away and you can get some sunshine and most of all some warmth.

    Have a blessed day and Happy Easter to you and yours. ☺

  5. I can't even imagine that much snow! I bet the soup tasted wonderful on such a cold day.


  6. Thanking God you are all well! Well that, and looking on enviously!
    I think simple pleasures like a hot bowl of soup and buttery popcorn seem that much better when the weather turns fierce.

  7. Wow you got WHAMMED! Hopefully that's it for you this season! Nothing better than comfort food in a blizzard, that's for sure! DakotasDen

  8. Wow, that is a blizzard! We haven't had snow here for a couple of years and there's been no blizzard i town for 20 years. I think you have found the perfect way to get through a snowy spell though!

  9. Oh my goodness, that's a lot of snow:( That soup looks delicious! Hope you all get some Spring soon! HUGS!

  10. No act of kindness is ever wasted. Good motto and belief. Help as many people as possible.
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  11. Whoa , that is some snow! Good neighbors are always wonderful. The potato cheese soups sounds delicious.
    visiting from warm heart wednesday

  12. Winter just can't leave without saying goodby with a BIG punch.
    Hope you have a quick melt and a very blessed Easter. "He is risen"!

  13. Oh no - that looks severe. Glad everyone in your family is safe, Anne! A pity that the kids in your area won't have their egg hunt this Easter:( But the meaning of Easter is greater than that. Have a blessed Easter, Anne:)

  14. Brrrrr. Hope you're feeling much, much better, Anne.

  15. Hope you're staying warm with all that snow. The soup looks yummy!

  16. We had that same storm, hopefully we're past it now, and spring weather returns!! Yumm, that soup looked delishious!!!


  17. I think winter was going out with a bang.

    So glad you're husband got home safe and sound.

