
Thursday, June 9, 2016

L is for L O V E and My BoJon Heritage

My childhood home. A safe haven, a beautiful home built by my dad with his own two hands. I treasure the original photo of our home. I found it in an old album my mom gave me many years ago. I am so glad I take care of these treasures and carried it with me wherever I went. BoJon men were hard working, good, faithful and kind folk. Many of them worked at the C F and I Steel Corp. or worked on the railroad or in the meat packing plant. All of those jobs were physically demanding. My dad started working around the steel mill when he was a very young boy. He fibbed about his age to get that job. When he was finally 14 the boss told him he knew he fibbed but he was such a hard working kid he did not have the heart to let him go. My dad worked his way up to head roller in the rail mill. He spent 47 years working there, a rarity in today's world. I adored my father. He was the light of my life. I miss him as much as the day he left this world in 1985. He loved my mother with a love that was pure and holy and good. He always cared for her and also all the women in the phamily who were widowed young. He followed biblical principals to a science. He was the kindest man I ever knew in my life. When I was married I looked for many of those same qualities in my own husband and 32 years later I am grateful I did.
My cousin Juliane sent this photo to me. My mom and dad and one of the cousins, from 1967. I must ask Juliane if this was her or one of her siblings. Juliane's mom Millie was my dad's baby sister. She and her husband, Uncle Sam Cosimano had five children, Sammy, Mary , Tim, Bernice, Juliane. In September 2015 we lost Sammy. It was such a shock because I had just reconnected with him. As a result of reconnecting with him I was able to visit with Juliane and her daughter Jessica.  I am hoping to reconnect with the other kids too. Our BoJon heritage is strong and I am very determined to get together with my remaining cousins and their loved ones too.
Dad was a sharp man. He always looked so neat and polished. I miss him each day, I am grateful to have so many photos of him.
Mom and Dad looked so happy with my big sister Pat.  We were raised with much L O V E. So today I give you the letter L for Love.

During July 2015 I wrote a BoJon Heritage post each and every day. I may try it again. I have been busy watching little Harrison but he is going on his first phamily vacation with his parents.  They are heading to Wisconsin to visit her relatives. I am going to miss him but he is a handfull. He loves one hundred percent attention constantly. He is a very well loved baby boy.
A beautiful sleeping baby, love this photo and love this tiny boy.
Not a terrific photo but Harrison brought his tiny guitar today! As small as he is, boy, oh, boy, can he wail on that little thing!
Enjoy the weekend and stop by soon. I have a giveaway I am working on. It will include tea. Wink, Wink!


  1. We all should take more time to reflect on the past and share it with the younger generation. There are things I wish I knew today, but no one to ask now. I have many pictures of my family from both sides. Some I do not even know who they are.

  2. We are kindred sisters I do believe. I cherish all my photos as you do and I love the old homestead photo. You are fortunate you were blessed with all these.

  3. O, I is EVERYTHING....and I love mine so much.

  4. Such a wonderful post about your family. Your Dad was indeed a treasure.
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!


  5. You know, our parents - and theirs before - were made of sterner stuff. Yes, technology has made everything so much easier ... but as a whole, I worry we're growing weaker.

    Certainly, God was smiling down at you when he 'happened to introduce' you and your hubby. (By the way, have you ever shared how it was you two met one another?)

  6. I'm envious of all your wonderful memories. Wish I was related to you! It sounds like such a loving family.

  7. Beautiful memories.

    I have photos of the house I lived in as a kid along with the deed. It says the house was less than $15,000. Our money has become worthless!
