
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Q is for Quality Fathers/Happy Fathers Day/

Do you know that there are 5089 words starting with the letter Q in the free dictionary? I wanted a Q word to celebrate fathers for Fathers Day 2016. I came up with "quality".
I was blessed with a quality dad. My father worked for 47 years at the C F and I Steel Corp. He loved my mother and together they raised five children. We grew up in a beautiful and friendly neighborhood and were a close knit phamily.
This was my dad  Edward Joseph Kocman Sr. in 1978. He was a remarkable man. A kinder man I have never known. He loved his phamily and he loved the little ones. He was a good dad and once flew a little dog across the country from North Carolina to Colorado because my sister and her phamily lived at Fort Bragg, NC and had a neighbor who was being shipped overseas. They had a little dog and could not take her with them. My dad paid for GiGi to fly across country and she was our pet for many years. That is the type of man my dad was. All these years of missing him on Father's Day will be no different in 2016 than it was in 1985 when he passed away.
This was another quality dad. Carl Thomas Robinson. He was my hubby's dad and he too worked for the steel corporation. He was a guard and my husband is blessed to have a nice memory of him, his brass check as well as this wonderful photo. My father-in-law was orphaned at age 5 when both of his parents passed away. He had an older sister and one younger brother. He was the kindest man and welcomed me into his phamily. He is missed very much too He would being celebrating his birthday on June 20th too. Like my dad, he passed away too soon.
Our son Jeremy who recently married Brittany has a wonderful little girl in his life. Addy is 8 and she is as precious as could be. She has her dad close by but she and Jeremy get along famously and he is a good role model for her as well. Jeremy has always loved children and is in a good place in his life these days. A quality man and dad too.
My grandson Andrew is quality too. He is a sweet guy and has a beautiful little phamily, Tarrah, Jayden and Michael.  He works so hard and is a good husband and dad.
My grandson Colton is a wonderful father. Look at that baby boy! Doesn't he look well loved? My heart is bursting for all these wonderful quality dad's in my life.

The men and dad's is Noelle's life too. There is Alex, on your left with his phamily. He LOVES baseball, or rather, Colorado Rockies baseball, so there is always something to talk about! He is one of those rare "quality" kinda guys too. Raising three kids with precious Christal. Happy Father's Day to all these kind men, quiet, silly, strong and loving. We love them all very much.
Hands down, my favorite baseball and dad quote. My father would give you Harmon Killebrew's stats off the top of his head. Boy do I miss that daddy of mine of this special day.
P H A M I L Y through the years with a quality husband, dad, grand dad an great grand dad. George Avery Robinson, the love of my life and the father of my children. I love these man to the moon and back!
...And this is my Father's Day with this Phamily. We had a wonderful lunch with Jeremy, Brittany and Nick. Tonight we will enjoy a dinner with Noelle, Roger, Rebekah, Zach, Hannah and both of us. My sweetheart received several wonderful gifts. We will have lots of new memories from today. Hug the dad's in your life today. Thank you for stopping by. Linking up with Beverly at Pink Saturday and Jeanne at Blue Monday. Enjoy your week!


  1. What a lovely and heart warming post. You are most blessed. Yes you are and I know you know that.

    Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  2. Hope all the daddies in your family had a special time - they deserve it!
