
Saturday, August 27, 2016

16 Years of Memories

Today, August 27, 2916 Noelle and Roger have celebrated 16 years of marriage. We had a lovely Mexican food dinner with them this evening along with Brittany, our daughter-in-love, Rebekah and Zach too. Always a good time celebrating with phamily. Brittany wasn't feeling 100 percent so she did not go to the Bronco game. Jeremy and Addy went instead.
These are game faces! Do you think these two love those Denver Broncos? Always a good opportunity for Jeremy to bond with this little miss. Addy is a delight and she is a big Bronco fan too!
I love this no soliciting sign!  Since someone was ringing my doorbell and pounding like a crazy person yesterday while I was reclining in my bath I was mad as a hornet! I babysit all the dogs and of course, they go crazy when the doorbell rings and this person wasn't giving up. I need this sign for sure. I have been under the weather a bit. I have a rotten back ache so have not been blogging. Makes me sad but I just did not have it in me to get up and write. I have so many days to catch up so here I am. Celebrating My BoJon Heritage along with Pink Saturday. I use to love heading over to Pink Saturday and for many years I did. Then I noticed so many don't compliment you by commenting and many of my dear friends stopped participating. I don't come over all the time but I know who those true pink friends are and I want to thank you here.

Here is a pretty pink rose google image to share with all of you that keep coming back and supporting me. Friendship means a lot to me and I am not a wishy washy type of friend. I am there for you for the long haul.
Our three youngest children from Noelle and Roger's wedding, 2000. Oh where have all those years gone? Nick is finishing his final year at Kansas Wesleyan University. We drove him there last weekend and that could be part of my backache problem. Two days in the car. But the weather was beautiful and we enjoyed seeing Nick off. Hannah is our pre school teacher. She is so tall and so slender. She was small and quiet back then. Rebekah never changes. Still tiny. She started a new job the day after the 4th of July and is learning the ropes there. She loves traveling and is saving for her trip to Australia.
Hee Hee! I should run a bath for my honey but since I tweaked this back there he is  helping me with this luxury. There is nothing like a long hot bath to help those aching muscles and we have had some rainy days. The cooler air feels wonderful but sometime it is hard on my bad bones.  Oh Love such a big part of our lives. I sure miss our friend MD who use to blog and put up those cute Love is...posts each week. She went on to other projects so I understand. I just miss her hosting.
Rebekah is an avid hiker and plans to hike at Pikes Peak before the really cold weather sets in. Since they had snow on top of the mountain yesterday I told her to pack her long johns! Nick use to hike this fourteener in the summer with his track and field team. His former coach loves his Colorado mountains and particularly Colorado Springs and the surrounding area. They trained up there every year. Nick isn't very impressed with their new coach and we know Coach Bailey is home here in Colorado helping his mom with their ranch since his dad is battling cancer.  If you want to see the Christian side of a godly man go to his blog We sure miss you Coach Bailey but we understand the reason why you had to leave.

Always good to keep people in your prayers. Pray for Baton Rouge with all the aftermath of the flooding. Pray for Italy in the aftermath of  the earthquake. There is someone somewhere who needs your prayers. Don't forget to pray.


  1. I love reading about your life.

    Sorry your back is giving you fits. I can relate.

    I can also relate to the pounding on the door when you're indisposed. Always happens that way. Love that sign. I'm thinking it wouldn't have stopped this person though.

    Prayer for all you mentioned and your back too.

    Have a blessed day my friend. ♥♥♥

  2. I'm so sorry to learn your back is acting out, Anne. Prayers going up!

    That "no soliciting" sign just cracks me up. We've few callers, but you'd think from the way our dogs carry on when the doorbell rings that they were being electrocuted.

    Loved seeing Addy and Jeremy's expressions at the game. And, of course, photos from Noelle and Roger's wedding. Gosh, 2000 doesn't seem that long ago at all!

    Happy Sunday!

  3. Love the sign. I think I need one of those here! Let your sweet hubby help do things for you. Feel better!

  4. Love the sign. I think I need one of those here! Let your sweet hubby help do things for you. Feel better!

  5. I agree, that sign is wonderful. I think I might be able to use one for the phone. Seems like whenever I'm busy and can't get to the phone, it rings. Sad to say, lots of those calls are from solicitors, but their messages fill up my voice mail. Ah well, such is life.

    I'm going to bathe Pogo now before it gets too hot. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  6. Just within the last few years I wake up in the morning with so many aches and pains. My back bothers me too, but it gets better when I sit for a while. I used to walk a few miles every day. Now I walk about 1 1/2 miles three times a week. I started trying some floor exercises with my old Denise Austin tape last week. I'll see if it helps! I haven't done Pink Saturday in a few weeks. It's changed over the years. I had been gone for a number of years. Now people don't even link back to her blog. Some come to sell or plug their own blog party. I'm looking for another blog party. Do you have any recommendations? I miss Jenny Matlock so much. Do you know if anyone has heard from her? I'll have to go over and check her blog just in case she's been there since I last checked. I haven't been online much. Happy Anniversary to your kids!

  7. I hope they enjoyed their anniversary and have many many more!
