
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Day Three Scripture Challenge and Other Joyfulness in my Life

This is day Three for me posting Scripture. I have not had anyone at blog world tell me they will join me by posting Scripture.  I was feeling sad but so many at Face Book are doing it so I am doing to keep posting it after my ten day challenge is up. I know so many that love the Lord and are tired of the negative political ads and comments and all the other PC in this world. It is good to turn to and trust the Lord. So here is a verse I feel is so perfect for this day today.
Aw...Mondays please go visit Sandee and share an Aw....Mondays too. Do you own a dog like this? Perhaps you have a cat and that cat loves to run through the house like a maniac just as you begin to drift off to sleep. know you still love that critter. Have a beautiful Monday!
Tiny brothers loving their Dallas Cowboy navy blue shirts grammie Noelle picked up for them in Dallas last weekend.
Michael loves his new shirt. He has grown up so quickly. He and Jayden are so different and yet they are as close as can be! Brotherly love at it's best. I love these tiny brothers. Visit Blue Monday and Jeanne and the Blue Crew so you too can share some blues!
This chandelier hangs in Masco Cottage at Mackinaw Island, Michigan , a place I have on my bucket list. Don't you love those touches of blue too? Tell Jeanne hi and visit some Blues .
Love is...can make me smile and cry too. This one hits home for me. Someday's
  I just hate to see my honey leave me and head off to work. Other times, I am very grateful he has a job and enjoys the people he works with.

Oh Ms. Maxine! I am chuckling with this one. Sometime when people are wickedly mean I feel like this too. I think if you are so mean and nasty to others you may have an ugly soul. I was shopping at Target on Friday and two different clerks I know there told me so many people were rude, crabby and downright  M E A N ! Jovenia told me, It's Friday, why aren't they smiling?
Pray for Haiti as that wicked hurricane races toward them. Be proud of your heritage and share it here with me. I would love to hear about your background. Goodnight, God bless and pray for  safe travels for me and my honey and daughter as we travel home to visit my sister. I missed Noelle's trip two weeks ago because I forgot to tell Hannah and Jeremy to find other daycare for their dogs. Be safe everyone and Sweet Dreams to all!


  1. Thank you so much for this post and for the Scriptures you are sharing. I feel inspired and at the same time have a smile on my face for this post, so thank you! Don't feel sad. I for one don't follow any 'memes' in blogging, I just prefer to post things randomly, but that is just me, so don't let it get you down. I enjoy your posts. Hugs to you. :)

  2. I agree, don't let other folks get you down. I enjoy coming by and reading your posts. I don't follow much of anything on my blog. I just do my thing and post whatever suits my fancy. I love your little "love is". You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  3. I'm enjoying your scriptures very much. Keep posting them.

    Awww on that cute dog. He rules the world for sure.

    I love Maxine. She is ever so witty.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday honey. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  4. Hello Anne, I am sorry about the link problem. It was my fault. We arrived home late on Sunday night after 10 days with our son in Raleigh, NC, a half days drive. We helped him and his family move into a new home. I was so tired I copied the wrong link. This morning we left before I could fix it and finally my friend Beverly fixed it for me. Sigh. We worked on the move for a week. It is a lovely home and I am so glad we were able to help them.

    We also competed in Bowling for the state Senior Games Competition. Lots of fun and Bill won a third place medal.

    Your scripture is a blessing in the wake of all the political mess and your post is a delight. I do believe mean spirited people can be ugly.

    Happy Blue Monday.
    Big hugs,

  5. The world needs more good things so keep on posting your scriptures!

    The middle of the night is when 'Not me' is busy creating chaos in the house! Kitties never do anything wrong so it's always 'Not me'! :)

    Cute little boys in their Cowboys shirts!

  6. One of my dogs is the dog in your meme. She hears everything in this zip code and must share her knowledge. I do scripture exchange with some email friends but my two blogs are not the appropriate venues. I am also tired of the negativity of the season.

  7. Such cute boys :) I haven't seen a Love Is comic in a long time my sister used to collect them as a teen.

  8. What a good post, Anne!!! I am tired of all the hatefulness of politics, too. I respect everyone's opinions and would like them to respect my own but some people just feel determined to 'change your mind'. lol They are barking up the wrong tree here. lol

    Your grandmother and my grandmother look like they could be sisters. xo Diana

    So much beauty from the tea pot to the quotes. Spread happiness wherever you go and you do that!

  10. Have a good laugh at Maxine. I bet God did too!
