
Monday, October 24, 2016


Everyday Jeremy sees this sight as he gets ready to leave his house. Smokey loves riding in the car, Stella just loves being with Smokey and poor little Bandit. he is just tired! These are daycare faces. Waiting to leave their house and come to mine. Stop by Sandee's and say hi and share your favorite Aw...Mondays
This sweet Precious Moments with a little girl dressed in blue and white is called God Loveth A Cheerful Giver. I have been a collector of these little figures since 1983. I had a good friend, Thelma, her dad owned the local Christian Book Store, and she would hold all the new releases for me on layaway. I really loved those days where I could add to my collection and pay a little each few weeks. The price has increased on these figurines quite a bit through the years but I still love them. I have half in a curio cabinet and the other half stored until I can find another curio to share them. Instead of downsizing, I still collect these cuties. They are so important to me and each one has a story behind it. I have about 125 of them. Tell Jeanne you stopped here for Blue Monday too.
We had an ancient piano and the girls loved playing it but when we moved we did not have a good place to put it so we sold it. I sure miss that old piano although I am not musically talented. But I love music! This Love is.... just makes me smile.
At any age, education is a costly experience. I am grateful my kids used student loans to better their lives. I just wish there were better rates to repay it and more people who could afford it. Maxine is just plain silly.

Lots of wonderful people to pray for. So much to be grateful for.
Watching the Denver Broncos play at home against the Houston Texans. I hate all the injuries in this game. Lots of prayers are being said for both teams. Gotta love my Broncos though. I am behind visiting and seem to be disorganized this Monday. Nick left for Kansas yesterday with Louis and they arrived back on campus safely. Can't ask for much more than that. Noelle and Roger touched ground heading home from their Ohio trip to see friends and phamily. Waiting for their ride at the airport. We slept well last night. New mattress, new restful night. It was wonderful. We are grateful for that. Enjoy your week and come back soon.


  1. WOW, Anne ... 125 Precious Moments collectibles? I love that you attach meaning and memories to each. (I'm that way about many of my inanimate objects.)

    Those critter faces are TOOOOOO cute. I wanna love on every one of their precious furry faces.

    I'm not really following tonight's football game, but happened to look up when they were trying to get that fella positioned into a cart .... mentioning the air casts being put on both of his legs. You could see, he was in such agony. That's someone's baby boy out there; makes my heart hurt.

  2. Wow, 125 Precious Moments collectibles, that is quite something, Anne! They are lovely, aren't they? Such a great post, thank you so much for sharing!

  3. Awww on all the precious babies. They are waiting to go. Well except for the tired one.

    Precious Moments are adorable and now I know what you collect.

    I love, love, love Maxine.

    Have a fabulous Awww week my friend. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  4. Those dogs look like wonderful company - on the road and at home!

  5. Hello dear Anne, Thank you for your always kind comment and my birthday wishes. Yes, it was a very blessed day. My hubby loves my sisters and is always there for me too. We are blessed to have great husbands.

    The pets are very cute. We love our Cheri' so much.

    I too love the Precious moments. Bill's sister collects them as well. When we were in Kansas visiting my SIL they took us to the chapel where the Precious Moments artist had wonderful displays in the church etc. This was several years ago. Have you ever been there?

    Have a wonderful week and thank you for sharing bible verses on your posts.

  6. Good morning, sweet Anne! How are you on this lovely Wednesday? We had rain all day yesterday, but it's looking like it will be sunny today :)

    That is quite amazing to have about 125 Precious Moments figurines. They are so sweet.

    Hugs to you!

  7. Your doggies are darling. I love the precious moments too. I don't collect them though because I already was collecting dolls. Now I try not to collect anything. I've run out of room. hahaha.

    As for the football, I don't watch it or have much interest in it anymore. It's gotten too vicious over the years. Hockey too. I'll stick with baseball and basketball.

    You have a wonderful evening, hugs, Edna B.

  8. We have a lot of precious moments and I love that puppy one.
    I love the Dory cartoon too. :)
    Have a great week!
    Joy @ Books and Life
