
Monday, April 10, 2017

Aw....Mondays and More

HaHaHa! We have many phamily photos like this one so I am sharing these silly kittens with Sandee  I thought this photo was too cute not to share.
"Q" for a quaint cottage. I would love this little cottage surrounded by gardens of flowers. Lovely. I hope you stop by Blue Monday so everyone sees the blues throughout my post today too.
Love is....knows how to play "love".
Today is #nationalsiblingday. I have two sisters, one went to heaven in 2001. I miss that Patty Girl. One lives 120 miles away from, I miss my Mary and am blessed I get to see her occasionally. I have two older brothers also, Bill and Ed, one in Pueblo and one in Littleton. Siblings are the very best.
My sister Mary was a nun and I was her angel. Gosh that was ages ago and my late Uncle Sam Cosimano was so artistic, he made my halo from a wire coat hanger.
All the siblings with our folks, I miss mom and dad too. They raised us right.
God knows how to make us smile.
My sister Mary and I. I sure love this girl.
Actually two of them. Have a great day and if you have a sibling or two give them a call today.


  1. Awww, and I'm that one. I really am.

    I love that cottage. So cute.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday, Anne. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  2. I am sorry your sister and folks are no longer with you. Very nice photos.

  3. Those kittens are sure cute. - Yeah we had a few family photos like that too. I always wanted a sister but got 3 brothers instead. Oh well they weren't so bad.

  4. What a sweet post and tribute to your family. So sorry you lost your sister and parents, sounds like you have very wonderful memories to cherish :-) I have one sister and we live far apart, I miss her... Hope you are having a wonderful day!!


  5. Oh what a cute post about siblings!! The vintage photo of you and Mary is just adorable.. Well I want that blue cottage just the way it looks. Have a wonderful Easter weekend.
