
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

"T" is Tea Tyme and The Spring Tea Cup/Mug Exchange

This tea gift photo is sideways, kind of like me today! I have been battling allergies and sinuses and today woke up with a severe attack of dizziness. So I am late posting my gifts that I received in the Tea Cup/Mug Exchange hosted by Stephanie . I have participated in this exchange twice, once last Fall and this latest Spring share. It was delightful. I was blessed with this gift package from Sandy in sunny Florida. She sent me a sweet tea mug with matching porcelain spoon in a gift box.
This mug is so sweet. It has a porcelain spoon and cute gift box.
There is a sweet smelling tea candle and a cute tea wallet plus lovely soap from Italy and candies and honey spoons too.She also included Earl Grey tea and I already sampled those. Thank you Sandy.
Francesca from California sent the sweetest letter and I learned a lot about her. She sent me a pretty white and pink tea cup and saucer. She sent a favorite tea, it is an organic Wild Strawberry tea and so yummy. She also made an eye mask filled with chamomile and lavender and other herbs to give you a restful night's sleep. It was just a wonderful gift and I am thankful to have received it.
This was the package I sent to Pat in NC for the Spring Mug exchange.
Te red mug was already wrapped so here is a photo of it before I wrapped it. I thoguht this mug so cool so I purchased one for my hubby and myself also.
T is for Tea and I love everything to do with tea.
Isn't this pinterest find Elephant Teapot cute? So colorful. I have a sweet white elephant my daughter Rebekah purchased for me at a thrift store. He is very sweet too. I use to find so many pretty teacups and teapots at thrift stores. Now I rarely find any. But I have a nice collection and recently found a sweet tea mug:
A few years ago I participated in a Memory Quilt Project for a little girl named Shannon who lost her young life (age 3) to a rare brain cancer. Her parents were overwhelmed by the kindness of strangers who had created a quilt for their child that turned into the memory quilt when she lost her battle with cancer. They sent each one of us a letter with a packet of forget-me-not's and asked us to plant them in memory of Shannon. I do it every year and then I found this tea mug. I had to have it and think of sweet little Shannon when I use it.
I hope we can get together with more tea cup/mug exchanges. Keep these words close to your heart.  Visit Pink Saturday too .Have a blessed and beautiful day.


  1. Very pretty. I was never into tea. I do have a most beautiful tea cup and saucer. I think my mother gave it to me.

    Have a fabulous day, Anne. ♥♥♥

  2. Your tea mugs are beautiful. I used to have a nice collection, but gave most of them away over the years. I just love your Karaoke Kitty!!! As for the smurfs, I think they are adorable. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  3. How wonderful that people participate and send each other such sweet gifts, Anne. I love your pretty cup(s) and lovely things you received..and sent! That memory quilt was a wonderful idea and what a dear tradition on planting the forgetmenots. They come up year after year here without replanting. xo Diana

  4. Both what you received and what you sent are such wonderful goodies, you too have been blessed by the gift of Friendship, dearest friend !

    Wishing you a most lovely remainder of you week,
    with heartfelt gratitude

    XOXO Daniela at - My little old world - (Dany)

  5. Hi Anne~~ Your mug with the matching spoon and box is quite beautiful. Sounds like you received some very lovely gifts that accompanied your mug and tea cup.
    The red mug is quite stunning.
    What a thoughtful gift of the memory quilt. So many wonderful and good people out there.
    I hope you feel better soon.


  6. You received some lovely gifts Anne, this sounds like a lovely exchange.
    It would be lovely if you started to make your own cards, you must blog them if you do.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob
