
Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday Fun Day

This is a favorite photo of Leo. He is such a  handsome fellow. He is going to live with Hannah in her new place. I will miss him although I don't think I will miss his shedding. He loves being brushed but it seems the more you brush him the more he sheds! He is going to spend some days with me and I will always enjoy his company. He is a good Aw....Mondays share and I know Sandee will enjoy seeing him here. Thanks for stopping by and make sure you say hello to Sandee too.
A Mother's day 1980 share with my momma, Noelle and myself. I miss this woman every day. She loved getting an orchid to wear at church on Mother's Day.
My sweet momma and Auntie Ang and my sister Mary ,  This was Mother's Day ,year unknown.. Look at my momma and Auntie Ang in their blue. It is a blue share today for Blue Monday. Please visit today and share some blue for Monday.
Love is...always says what is on my mind.
The letter X is a difficult one to share. Many words with this letter as their beginning are often very unusual or quirky. Let me see what I can do here today:
There are 400 words beginning with the letter X. not including proper names. Xenons is a slender billed  rain forest bird from the Americas. I have a photo here:

What a wonderful week is in store here. Beautiful sunny weather. and lots of phamily matters. One last share before I get ready for another day:
Oh Maxine, some days I wonder about you!


  1. Hi Anne! Maxine IS funny, isn't she?
    I like the idea of mamas wearing orchids.

  2. Leo is a handsome Awww. You know how I love dogs and kitties.

    Your mom was wonderful. I can just tell. Just like mine.

    I always love Maxine. I can so relate to her.

    Have a fabulous day, Anne. Big hugs dear friend. ♥♥♥

  3. Such a joy reading your post. Need more good, family people like you. I love Maxine. She tells it like it is.

  4. That little bird is just gorgeous! As for Maxine, I just love her. She always says it like it is! You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  5. Oh yes I can see how precious your Mama was!!!! My Mom is becoming pretty fragile in her 90's but she is so happy living with her Sister Ruby. This month their younger sister Wanda is visiting with them and they are all acting like little girls. Makes me so happy. Love hearing from you sweet Lady.
