
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Weddings and Other Life Situations

These two guard dogs make sure that boy Harrison is safe and sound at my house. When he heads towards the front door they are with him all the way. Guard dogs and fast friends. It is always something fun at my house. Leo and Stella are proud.
Maybe Sandee and the Aw...Mondays gang will remember who I am when I post this share. I have been missing in action but so much  happening in our lives, mainly good things, that we have been on the run.
One of the navy "blue" dresses I like for our middle Rebekah's wedding December 2, 2017. They had planned an autumn wedding in September 2018 but changed their minds. Just like a girl, to change her mind. Sort of like her birth 29 years ago, should I make my entrance, uh-oh, wait yes, well, no! We are so very excited. Stop by Blue Monday and say hello for me today.
Not her dress, but Rebekah found her dream dress. She would not make a commitment to get the dress without her daddy at her side. He was probably the happiness guy in the bridal salon. One guy, buying his wife the Mother of the Bride dress looked like he would rather eat a plate full of nails! Two would be husbands were darting their eyes around looking for an escape exit! Ah....the joys of weddings. Once men learn it is all about the bride, they will somehow survive. On the subject of weddings, my cousin Ray and his wife Kathy  celebrated 57 years today! That is one awesome accomplishment. Happy they are still enjoying each other's company.
Good old fashioned advice, right out of the Good Book! Somehow you just know when everything is right.
Our own marriage has been like this more times then we can even remember. We hung in there through thick and thin and would do it all over again. We are better because  we grew stronger. It   helped that we had some excellent role models along the way.

Oh Maxine, you must have your say each day! You are living and learning.
I think it is an OCD obsession but  I like the dishwasher loaded a certain way. Even Maxine agrees.
I hope everyone has a beautiful week. Lots of prayers for Texas and Florida and all the fires and other natural disasters all over this great land.


  1. Hi Anne! I really like that black dress!
    Maxine cracks me up!
    Have a happy week!❤️

  2. Awww on the fierce guard dogs. So adorable. They are indeed protective.

    Love the wedding dress. It's beautiful.

    Maxine is spot on too. That would be when the fight started for sure.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday, Anne. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

  3. What a wonderful photo of the doggies. Yes, they are very good at guarding their loved ones. I love your Maxine. She always knows how to say what we think. haha. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  4. Hi Anne ~~ Thnks for dropping over. I hope you are all okay and haven't been out for a while with ailings.
    That is a lovely blue dress, I'm wondering what you did buy. Marriages take give and take, loving words and moments, and even some making up. My 13 + 44(present) make 57. Does that count?
    You might like to peek in on my cat, she survived Irma in Key West, along with all her friends.
    p.s. We didn't flood on our street but there were a lot around who did. We had 40 plus inches here.

  5. What a nice post and beautiful blog! Thanks for sharing.

  6. It's sooooo good to 'see' you, Anne!

    I'm so touched about Rebekah wanting her daddy's 'yes to the dress.' Sounds like what the folks on Madison Avenue trumpet as a 'Hallmark moment.'

    Loved you in navy at Wedding #1 ... and can't wait to see you in this navy at your girl's celebration.

  7. Love this post! Something for everybody!

  8. Enjoyed your post. Weddings are always a fun but busy time. Nice
    looking dogs & funny cartoons.
