
Friday, March 30, 2018

Good Friday

Always a difficult time of year for me. As much as I love the Springtime, I have experienced so much loss during these months of February, March, April and May. Just a perfect share for me.

 Snoopy can always make me smile. Thanks for the Right words when life can be difficult.
Do you know people who will talk over you? Not only is it incredibly rude it is also extremely disrespectful. I am so glad I was raised better than that. This little chart has some very wise advice. Good words of wisdom.
I don't mean to sound grumpy. Life is hard sometime. That is why I surround myself with the Saviour.
Wise words and words I am sure my mom would share if she were still here.
I wish you all a glorious Easter. We are going to attend a service tomorrow and have a simple SONday dinner. Nothing too fancy, ham and scalloped potatoes, a tossed salad and veggies.
Say hello to Sandee who graciously hosts Aw...Mondays, wordless Wednesday and Friday Felines. A fine looking feline fellow this one is. He is counting his money from the Easter Egg Hunt. Stop by and say hello to Sandee today.


  1. Wise words Anne! Have a Blessed Easter.

  2. Your Sonday sounds wonderful. I remember, when I was younger, enjoying getting up early for the morning sunrise service. You don't see that so much nowadays. Hmmm, sad. You and your family have a Blessed Easter. Hugs, Edna B.

  3. I love your chart on how to be kind. Such wise words.

    The kitty is mighty handsome. He's got it going on.

    I hope your weekend is filled with many blessings. Love and hugs coming your way. Happy Easter. ♥♥♥

  4. Great post. Some times are just harder than others, I can relate. Have a blessed Easter dear friend. Hugs

  5. I volunteer at our local museum, and one of my favorite items is a book for children on manners. Boy, a lot of people would do well to read this book! I hope you enjoyed a very blessed Easter and a meaningful Lent.

  6. Thank you Anne, for dropping over. "Teach your children well, their father's hell," do you remember that song? Google the lyrics, it's an early rock song.
    You are sooo nice with when you visit and your comments sooo interesting. Thank you.
    Guess our finances are similar, I will never forget the days of rounding up milk bottles to redeem for money to buy milk for the kids, almost every month ended that way. Four kids (five now, all grown), enlisted in the military, stay at home mother, one car, older--that Mercury. At least now the lower ranking GI's are eligible for food stamps.
    Glad you had a nice Easter, so did we. We now for two plus years belong to Second Baptist Houston. Our campus, one of six. is in a western suburb (is now) at Fulshear/Katy, Texas. We are quite actuve, both in Sunday School (do a weekly newsletter and monthly calendar as 'Communitications Team) and church (baptism help once monthly--we had ten for the Saturday Easter service, don't know yet for the two Sunday services--deacon duties at least three months a year--first church we've belonged where divorced was okay--and lots of other volunter things, ex. VBS, prayer teams (had a temporary one for a couple of months for flood victims and workers and for their homes plus calls and help coordinating). TMI but I believe if we don't like serving our Lord and His people here on earth we may not like Heaven--Revelations 22:3(+/-)
    p.s. Mrs Jim is from Louisiana and went to college in Baton Rouge. We still visit a 97-year-old cousin. Last summer her car got totaled while she was teaching her SS class. We helped her find another cream puff having a very good price. She loves it.
